I have painstakingly installed a little less than 1k mods and worked out every error, missing texture, conflict, dirty edit and blah blah blah until the list is as I wanted it. But one fix alludes me. The dreaded missing skin texture (I think). Anywhere skin is exposed I get purple or white skin (on player character only). I am only using a few "body" mods which I shall list here. The preset was meant for Lorerim. I've tried several different skin textures but all seem to do nothing.
Preset: Robert - Male Nord Preset for LoreRIm https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/129058?tab=description
Skin: BnP - Male Skin https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65402
The only other body type mods I have are for the fairer sex. Well they used to be fairer... Yeah I'm old.