A mod suggestion. With the new inability to upgrade non-iconic weapons, there are some weapons that seem basically impossible to get in tier 5++. In particular, if you want to use a katana with the new iconic weapon mod (Severance), you apparently need to compromise for a tier 5 katana (or maybe a really lucky 5++ drop from an enemy), since none of the iconic katanas have mod slots. But vendors don't sell them and most enemy drops are already modded. This seems like just a general problem introduced in 2.0, vendors have become practically useless for anything except ammo and clothes. Even worse, crafting is totally useless by the endgame because everything you craft is outclassed by iconic items. And the game practically throws iconic weapons at you. By the time you reach level 40 there's no sense in drafting or using vendors. But before then, you're not wasting your money on weapon vendors because every 10 levels the rarity increases. And besides, you don't have many crafting recipes until you reach the endgame anyway. So if you do a whole playthrough from level 1 to level 60 on 2.01, you probably won't end up crafting anything except maybe ammo, item components and quickhacks. Which leads me to the suggestion - vendors seem not to sell ++ items. That is, they may sell tier 5, and a lower quantity of tier 5+ occasionally, but I've never seen a tier 5++ item in a shop's inventory. The same goes for tier 4 and 4++, all the way down. There seems to be no possibility for ++ items in shops. Which means there is basically no way to get an Arasaka 2020 katana at tier 5++. Which is pretty bad because that particular item can only be spawned in at tier 1, and the only console command I can find to set item rarity is really buggy (for example, it adds clothing mod slots to all your clothes, even though clothing mods no longer exist). So I'm just screwed out of any way to use Severance until I somehow manage to find an enemy who drops a 5++ Arasaka 2020 katana, which I'm not sure is even possible, so I wouldn't bother trying to farm something that may not even be in the loot tables. It's already rare enough to find one at tier 5. Another possibility would be a mod that allows you to upgrade non-iconic weapons. There is a mod on the nexus that apparently does this, but it has a lot of bug reports. Actually, a mod that does both, making both crafting and vendors actually useful, should be a big hit.