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About syfjhz22

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  1. I would like to record a battle scene. Although tfc command will free the camera, it will not allow the camera to record the sound (the sound is recorded at player's location). If I move the player character closer to the battleground, the enemy will start attacking player instead of NPCs. How could I solve this problem? Is there any way to disable detection for the player character only? Thanks for help!
  2. [06/17/2020 - 08:14:17PM] syfjhz22 OnEnterBleedout [06/17/2020 - 08:14:17PM] syfjhz22 say topic value 1.000000 [06/17/2020 - 08:14:33PM] syfjhz22 OnEnterBleedout [06/17/2020 - 08:14:33PM] syfjhz22 say topic value 1.000000 I tried two times, both have a value of 1, though I have no idea what this means... I also tried to remove topic conditons, tried to use another topic, tried to ungroup the topic. Um...
  3. I really thought with your generous help it was about work, but still not working after many attempts... : ( Scriptname BleedoutDialogue extends Actor Topic Property pCVDHello Auto Const mandatory GlobalVariable Property pCVDHelloValue Auto Const Mandatory Event OnEnterBleedout() Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer() If Player.GetDistance(Self) < 512 pCVDHelloValue.SetValue(1) (Self as Actor).Say(pCVDHello, akActorToSpeakAs = None, abSpeakInPlayersHead = false, akTarget = Player) ;should this be "sefl as actor" or "self"? Utility.WaitMenuMode(5.0) pCVDHelloValue.SetValue(0) EndIf EndEvent I also tried to simplify it a little bit Scriptname BleedoutDialogue extends Actor Topic Property pCVDHello Auto Const mandatory GlobalVariable Property pCVDHelloValue Auto Const Mandatory Event OnEnterBleedout() pCVDHelloValue.SetValue(1) (Self as Actor).Say(pCVDHello) Utility.WaitMenuMode(5.0) pCVDHelloValue.SetValue(0) EndEvent The actor still says nothing after enter bleedout state.
  4. After checking properties "pick object", I think I now understand. It must be a specific topic object, not a general "hello". I will test further...
  5. Thank you so much for the replies. I'm sure this say function is what I really needed, but I can't get it to work. Coud you please take a look? I really know nothing about scripts, but I would like to attach it to the actor base form... Scriptname BleedoutDialogue extends Actor Topic Property pHello Auto Const mandatory ;If I want to use hello topic, should the topic property be pHello or Hello? GlobalVariable Property pHelloValue Auto Const Mandatory Event OnEnterBleedout() Self.AllowBleedoutDialogue(true) ;This function still works Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer() pHelloValue.SetValue(1) Self.Say(pHello, akActorToSpeakAs = None, abSpeakInPlayersHead = false, akTarget = Player) Utility.WaitMenuMode(1.0) pHelloValue.SetValue(0) EndEvent
  6. After several testing, ForceGreet package will not automatically start upon bleedout with isbleedingout condition. I don't think "isbleedingout" condition is actually a trigger, it's probably just a condition... I'm trying to figure out how to force start via script, any help would be highly appreciated.
  7. I now tried to move bleedout to hello lines, then add "isbleedingout" condition =1, and !=1 for other lines. When I press E the actor now speaks the lines, but is there any way for the actor to speak bleedout lines automatically when nuetralised, just like vanilla companions?
  8. After several attempts, I managed to compile using the following script Scriptname BleedoutDialogue extends Actor Event OnEnterBleedOut() Self.AllowBleedoutDialogue(true) EndEvent Now I can interact with the actor during bleedout, but the actor still doesn't speak the topic group under [bleedout]. I then tried to add "isbleedingout" condition, but still not speaking the lines. The actor only speak default hello lines after E is pressed. What I really want is the actor announcing he/she is bleeding out automatically when neutralised. I have no idea how it works...
  9. I know very little about about scripts... Do you mind to give an example how "AllowBleedoutDialogue(TRUE)" can be implement for an actor or a dialogue topic? Really appreicate your help. I looked at your mod and realised I may use a condition to trigger bleedout dialogue, just like crippled limbs. However, it doesn't work this way so I guess it must be scripted... ---------- Because I know nothing about script, I tried to create one for actor but it failed to compile... Scriptname BleedoutDialogue extends ObjectReference Function AllowBleedoutDialogue(bool abCanTalk) native Self.AllowBleedoutDialogue(true) EndFunction BleedoutDialogue.psc(5,7): no viable alternative at input '.' Could you please help?
  10. Hi, I'm trying to create a custom dialogue for NPC. I have noticed that [bleedout] under [combat] section never works in game. I checked companions such as Piper, but I couldn't find any special script or condition about bleedout, it just works for these companions. Am I missing something? Thanks for the help.
  11. Hi all, I'm porting a character from another game into fallout 4 as a new custom follower. My face port is all good but having trouble with body texture. The body texture is significantly brighter than face in game (the body is almost white), even though I used vanilla .bgsm from the game, and CBBE body meshes. It's just like face and body have different kind of post processing in game. I can't figure out the reason. All I can do is reduce brightness by 100 and play around with colour balance in Photoshop to try to minimise the difference between face and body in game. Any help would be highly appreciated, thanks! --------------------- Fortgot this thread after posting... The issue is skin tone and specular map. If the diffuse map and specular map are not mismatched and skin tone is 0, it should looks good in almost all circumstances.
  12. Thank you for sharing this very useful method. Having said that, I tried to use it on my multi-mesh high poly outfit, it doesn't work at all. Is this because once polygon number reach a certain limit, this terribly old engine simply refuse to dismember body parts? Or is there any special requirement for multiple meshes to work? When I say multiple, I mean I have 20 meshes...
  13. Hi, I'm trying to mod an armor which seems to have transparent mesh, not controlled by texture alpha channel greyscale and NiAlphaProperty. In 3DS Max it looks like this: This makes me think that mesh material is somehow transparent. How is this achieved? How can I remove this transparency? Thanks! ------------------- Problem solved. Thanks
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