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About tanoman

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  1. Hi ppl! I got my copy of BF3 about 3 months ago and did my first walkthrough wihtout any issues, on maxed out graphics. I decided to give it another go and I discovered an annoying (and New) bug: everytime I enter a dark room or play in a dark scenario my screen is filled with a blue and green "glare", that prevents me from seeing anything else. It only happens when the room I'm on is dark, and it goes away as soon as I leave such room. (sorry, no screenshots yet). It's weird beacuse I haven't changed anything from my PC, everything is exactly the same as before: FX 6100 OCed 4.5 Ghz 16 GB RAM Nvidia GTX 680 1920x1080 res If anyone knows a fix to this, please help!! :(
  2. Hi ppl! I've recently bought SC Conviction from Steam, and I'm having several frame rate issues. In some parts FPS goes all the way up to 90+, but in open scenarios or when multiple enemies are nearby, it goes down to 20 or so, becoming unplayable. I'm playing on a six core FX 6100 overclocked to 4.5Ghz, 16GB RAM and GTX 680. Is there any performance fix? Because even when I reduce resolution to 1600, reduce shadows to high, AA to 8 and so on, it still performs poorly :(
  3. Ok! 68 views but no replies! Cmon guys!! :S
  4. Hi ppl! I'm about to buy a new headset for my PC, and as I'm on a budget I fixed my eye in the Genius Cavimanus 7.1 headset. Does anyone already tried it? I hear it's got great reviews. I've also put my eye on the Logitech G 930, which is a little bit more expensive, but wireless. Whaddya think?
  5. I'm glad you liked it, it's a very good case. I first bought it because it was cheap and it served its purpose greatly, but as soon as I finished overclocking I noticed how cool it was, what an awesome air flow it has. This lead me to understand that sometimes side fans are not entirely needed, specially because in some cases it disrupts the natural air flow (Like in NZXT Tempest EVO, where its side fan is s***).
  6. I'd recommend 700w or more if you are going to overclock (as you're are buying that fan), and maybe another fan, coz Coolermaster ain't that good in CPU coolers ABout waht Javalin says: DO NOT go with AMD! You'll pay for it if you do. I have an FX 6100 and I hate it, it's much more difficult to overclock and it's cores are much slower. He's right about ram. 8 gb is fine, if you're running any video applications then 12 or as much as you can buy hehe, but if for gaming 8-12 is more than fine. About GPU: 560 is good, but it's on the way out. If you have the money (and it seems you do) go for the new ones: GTX 670 or 680, or ATI 7970.
  7. If you like the one you have now, stick with it. It's not worth going 21"->24" anyway. Now, if you went up to 27" or a 32" TV... One card is still fine for most everything, and will remain so until next-gen consoles hit the market, and at least a year after. Well, if it's still fine for pretty much anything, then I guess it doesn't matter what size case I get really. I don't see the point of spending another few hundred dollars for something that won't be all that noticeable :P I might eventually get a new monitor just because this one is nearly 6-7 years old and might need to be replaced sometime. It's interesting how we changed your mind from upgrading a tiny little computer to a mid/full tower with the latest GPU, I7, 8 or more GB RAM and like 1000w of power :) EDIT: How much are you spending now?
  8. I'm glad you took my advice :) It's the same case I have, it's freaking awesome.
  9. Which is why I recommend NZXT Tempes 410 Elite :) It also has space for 8 Hard Drives (like full towers).
  10. This is my peronal favourite: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146080 I've never liked full towers, but this mid tower has lots of room to maneuver and a great ventilation (up to 6 fans), it comes with water-cooling support, meaning that you can just slide the radiator (there's a compartment on the top), it is really wide and there's also space to put your cables behind the motherboard, out of sight. It's very comfortable to work with, and very cheap. Oh and most important: frontal fans come with dust filters.
  11. Not at all... I figured I would be able to Google everything and then watch stuff on Youtube to put everything together. Well, it is possible, but the thing is that you have to meddle with Power input, you gotta get in the Bios and stuff, there are too many variables and too many things that can go wrong. But, the good thing is that I5's are very easy to overclock (not like bulldozers), and in general they all use similar configurations, but if something happens, online videos don't usually show how to deal with inconveniences, and then you are on your own (that's where experience counts). In my case I got a friend to do it, as my fx 6100 is a pain in the ass to OC. Nevertheless, it's still a good idea, but maybe you should wait til everything is put together and working, and then see what sort of extra cooling you might need, depending on your overclocking needs.
  12. That "Random fan" is for overclocking the processor, although it's always recommendable, you need to know how to do it. You can find many tutorials online, but it's still something VERY tricky to do on your own. PD1: There are better overclocking fans than that one (I personally like DeepCool's) PD2: Just in case you don' know - are you familiarized with overclocking?
  13. Bloody hell.. well.. unistall and forget about it till years to come haha :P
  14. The mobo is Ok, and any of the 670 will do, they are pretty much the same. You don't need 1000w power if you are runnin just one GPU, with 650 or 700w you are fine, I hear Coolermaster is great, but I've never tried it. I personally use a sentey of 750w.
  15. Ok, the Haf 922 is a good case for you, the other one is just too high end. Now if you are going with Intel then you have to buy a motherboard that is compatible with it (look for Intel chipsets, that one is for AMD-am3+). The rest is Ok. God, I wish I were from the US, things are so much cheaper. For what you just posted, it would cost me about 2500 3000 uSs here in Argentina... Oh, and I would get a better GPU, say an Nvidia GTX 670-680 or AMD 7970. I prefer Nvidia always, but the 6950 is gettin old..
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