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Status Updates posted by _Vagrant_

  1. Hrm. So, were you saying you didn't used to live in the city?
  2. Sounds interesting. Do you have to be in pretty good shape?

    And also be good at tying that little figure of eight knot (that I embarrassingly have to have a friend do for me when I go rock climbing)?

  3. You walking stereotype. Your baby will be eaten by a dingo. Or something.

    While I'm here, what is urbex and do you really spelunk? (can you use it as a verb like that?)

  4. Befriend me, will you?!

    Well, if your memory is so "excellent" (as it says to the left of this box), then why d-...Wait, what was I going to say?

  5. I am here to take revenge for your befriendment. But I am more curious about what the hell your picture thing there is.
  6. You friended me up, you monster!

    Just for that, I will imply that you use the words "g'day", "mate", that you eat Vegemite and have barbecues and drink a lot and...All of these things are true, aren't they?

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