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About Nahlraka

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  1. I'm actually replaying Diablo 1 (with Hellfire) right now. This does sound like a good idea, although for me, Skyrim is more about the non-linearity, and Diablo is extremely linear. Having said that, I just checked out the Steam Workshop, and yes, that Cathedral mod is still up there! Thanks for sharing. :)
  2. I messed around a bit and it's working now (I think). I still have the issue where my game CTDs after reverting from another form, but at least my character doesn't look gaunt any more. What I did: Uninstalled Better Vampires via the .bat (I don't think this was to blame) Uninstalled RaceCompatibility and Epic Elves Downloaded & installed new versions of Epic Elves and RaceCompatibility
  3. Now that I've been a vampire for a while, I've had enough of it. Changing back isn't a problem; I spoke to Falion and was made human again. No issues there. The problem is that if I try to save in any form after completing the quest, I get an immediate CTD. This applies to saving through the menu, quick saving, entering another area, waiting; basically anything that causes the game to save will crash the game. I noticed soon after I got Dawnguard that this happened after turning into a Vampire Lord (so I didn't use it). Is there a work-around for this? I'm worried that I may have screwed myself over indefinitely as I'm using the Epic Elf custom race. Edit: Talking to Aela to become a werewolf also doesn't work. Plugin load order:
  4. Small nitpick, although I don't know if this affects anything in the mod. Isn't it spelled 'High Hrothgar'? As opposed to 'Hrotgar'?
  5. I'm so excited for this right now, I'm actually delaying playing until the mod comes out. Will it be compatible with ACE [since it affects Speech]? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10037//? And does it matter if I've unlocked a ton of shouts already?
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