I know it may be a long shot, but if there is anyone that has the time and interest, I would really appreciate and think it to be awesome if someone made a gas mask mod that adds this gas mask to the game. Its called the MCU-2/P gas mask and unfortunately, its not included in the "Gas Masks of The World" mod so I am really hoping someone out there would be interested in making this certain gas mask into a mod. I mainly thought of this certain gas mask because I really want to make a character look like this character from a really great show called Desert Punk and for the most part I got everything except for the mask. I already know that its even more of a long shot to ask for someone to work on a whole outfit so I would just really be happy if anyone could make the gas mask I showed in the first picture into a mod! Or heck even better if anyone out there knows of a mod for FNV that has a mask that is like the ones above, feel free to tell me! I appreciate it, Thanks.