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About Artemis0420

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  1. I run a server through Scalacube. My brother has been having repeated crashes after sailing for about 15-20 min. The game will freeze and crash. When he rejoins the server he spawns back at the base with everything he had in in his inventory (luckily) but the ship will still be where ever it was when the crash happens. Also any exploration progress he made on the map is erased when he respawns. He has had to build a new boat to go get his original boat twice so far. Has anyone else had a similar issue? We are using a few mods but I don't think they are invasive enough to cause this issue: Clock, Autofuel, Auto Store, Pin Filters, Speedy Paths, Config Manager
  2. Ah I see, I knew I had seen an Ingestible category before but I guess I never noticed it was exclusive to SSEedit, in CK it's set up a bit differently as the Effect Conditions are more of a window within a window. Sorry, for being unclear. I am trying alter the player's ability to actually consume the potion based on certain conditions. What you suggested is what I tried initially, but that only prevents the individual effects of the potion from being applied if the conditions aren't satisfied at the time of consumption. It does not prevent the player from being able to consume it. So if you accidentally use it while not in the right combat state/health percentage or whatever you just consume it with no effect. This gets frustrating as it's easy to waste a good potion by incorrectly guessing if your health bar is juuuuust above 30% or juuuust below 30% in the heat of battle, or thinking you're safely out of combat and waste a good bandage because you apparently aggro'd a nearby mudcrab. That is what I meant by seemingly only being able to apply conditions to the individual effects of the potion versus the actual act of consuming it.
  3. That sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. I had created the items under Magic > Potion > Potions > *potion in question* The window where you specify the magnitude/duration/effects etc doesn't seem to have a space to add conditions, I only see a space to add Keywords. Is there a different "ingestible" category in the object window that I am missing? Thanks so much for your reply btw. At least I know it's doable if I can find the right place. :huh:
  4. I am working on a mod that adds barbarian-centric healing items to the game. I would like to add conditional requirements to consuming some of the items (ex: can only be used when not in combat, or can only be used IN combat when under a certain health percentage, etc). I cannot seem to find a way to assign conditions to consuming the potion itself, only the magical effects individually. I assume there may be some script work involved but I would imaging these sort of checks would be able to utilize existing scripts instead of having to write new ones. Any suggestions?
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