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Posts posted by cflare

  1. In response to post #39770440.

    cflare wrote: Mod authors can do what they want, sure, but I wish that the highlighted mods weren't blocked.

    That makes no damn sense.

    Mods that are blocked should be unlisted.

    Win-win for everyone.

    Mod authors could keep their files uploaded for private use, and the people browsing the site don't have the derp moment of, "oh, cute, it is a community favorite and I can't even see the screenshots."

    Ok, this is going to be ok if only a few modders do it.

    But if it starts spreading to be a consistent thing, where one of the five highlighted mods is blocked, then it's going to kill f4 nexus.

    Can we please take mods off highlight if they're going to be blocked?
  2. In response to post #8470697.

    Some jerk out there is getting his kicks on DDoSing us because he's a miserable person and loves to spread misery. He won't learn the truth of the matter until someone manages to melt his machine.
    These same people also perform DDoS on systems and claim to have a higher motive, like leaking government secrets and such, but they are one and the same to me.
    There is no higher motive nuking a government system, keeping me from seeing information vital to doing my required business with the government, or keeping me from using their online pay system.
    For these people, the rest of the people in the world is collateral to their jollies.
  3. im working currently on this armor.i have the model finished and the only thing left is to texture and export it..but ineed some nice tutorials on exporting custom armor into skyrim..if someone can help me it will be great! thanks


    oh i should also fix the jacket...

    Its pretty easy to export armor into skyrim, although if you dont find a tutorial send me a download link of the armor files and i could piece it together for you. Btw dont upload the armor to skyrim nexus because they are strict on copyright, and the idea of the armor kind of belongs to ubisoft lol.


    Or you could, like, change a few things here and there, and not reference AC3. The armor pictured is pretty generic as is.

  4. I'm trying to make a modesty skin for myself by overlaying "skin-tight" black cloth over private areas. I got the texture to show up, but whenever I zoom out more than a few feet, it fades off. It's as if there's a lower res texture taking over.


    Am I missing something.


    I modified the femalebody_1.dss

  5. I'm having problems with multiple female only armor mods showing full helmets as elven helmets.

    I'm not sure what they all have in common, but I've tried everything I can think of to stop it. I've noticed on zigurd's warden mod, other people are having the same problem.



    I've found the problem. It's the elven crown helmet in the bundled mod. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5803


    I'm going to post on his mod that there's a conflict.

  6. For anyone else who has this problem this may help, I managed to solve it by clicking on the horse in consol so its ID is shown and typing setownership this apparently make things ownerless anyway Lydia now uses her own horse without any problem with the offending horse right next door. The horse's name still says its mine though.


    Or you could delete the horse

    (mark for delete)

  7. I'm having problems with multiple female only armor mods showing full helmets as elven helmets.

    I'm not sure what they all have in common, but I've tried everything I can think of to stop it. I've noticed on zigurd's warden mod, other people are having the same problem.


    Any ideas?


    I have a lot of mods going on, but changing the load order doesn't seem to help.


    I thought packaged in BSAs is causing the issue, but I unpacked and still have trouble.



    I can see the menu models just fine, but when I wear it they show the elven helmet.



    I noticed that the warden helmet shows part of the mesh under the elven helmet.

  8. Yes, that did it....


    Thanks a lot!!!!!

    You are quite welcome. ^^


    Also, learned something else. You can't use the default WeapTypeXXX in keywords in the CK. You must change them to a corresponding onehand ID.


    I changed the .nif, and still had problems, then I changed the WeapTypeWarhammer to WeapTypeSword, and it worked.


    Unfortunately perks use these IDs, So there's no way I can tell to have a 1h weapon benefit from 2h perks (other than the bonus damage if you set Skill to TwoHanded) even if you change the nif.


    So it appears two things govern equip skeleton: Nif keyword for WeaponBack to WeaponSword etc, and CK Keywords WeapType[some 2h] to WeapType[some 1h].


    Very frustrating indeed.

  9. I'm trying to change a 2h weapon to 1h.


    In CK I change the animations to 1h sword, and equip type to righthand (tried eitherhand too).


    Equipped to left hand works fine, but equip to right hand leaves it sheathed on the back.


    Is there something in the .NIF that controls this?

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