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Everything posted by saberthechampion

  1. The only reason I know for the console not opening is having the game on survival difficulty. Other than that, I'm not sure.
  2. You do know that free mods will still always be available right?
  3. Can't believe people even think this is something that is possible. The plants were at most a tongue-in-cheek reference to Elder Scrolls that's it. There are easter eggs all throughout their games, doesn't mean anything. Just stop it... :wacko:
  4. I believe you can keep your companion with you while Longfellow guides you to Acadia. Only when you get to Acadia will Longfellow ask if you want him to join you otherwise he'll head back and Nick can stay with you.
  5. If it's mods that cause the issue, however, no you can't. But I know stubborn people still will. F4SE is essentially a mod though. So not Bethesda's fault. You should know the risks for any game if you choose to install mods. But yes, wait for the mod creator to fix the issue if you must have them. Although, I'm not saying that Bethesda can't make some bad decisions, like the fact that CC downloads the mods automatically without you even buying them. Kind of annoying.
  6. Got it working. In my case I had a mod which put a new MainMenu.swf in the Interface folder. I just had to either rename it or delete it. Lucky I didn't need that mod anymore. Can't blame Bethesda for conflicts with mods after all.
  7. This is happening to me. I don't have F4SE but the game still won't start now after update. I'll try this and see if that works.
  8. Thought I'd make one last effort to bump this and see if anyone can help? Thanks.
  9. Yeah, I believe he's talking about lights that cast shadows. I even tried making a light's colour black, but it doesn't work. Sorry, not sure what other options you might have.
  10. I'm not sure if there are any shadow sources for this game, someone can correct me if I'm wrong. You could use a blackplane01 found in the static section and put that up in the shaft.
  11. Ok, it seems the best way might be to create a new package template. I'm not an expert and I haven't tested this but I think it's on the right track. In the package section of the CK, create a new one, select sandbox template, but then at the top right drop box select "package template". Ok, then in the middle left section you'll see a window that has "sequence" with other branching options that say "travel", "unlock doors", "sandbox". You'll have to click on sequence and make it "simultaneous" from the dropdown option to the right. Then right click on simultaneous and select add procedure. Select "wait" but uncheck the tickbox that says "use existing data". Also tick the box that says "success completes package" after selecting ok. Name the template with a new ID. Click ok. Now you can new packages from this sandbox template. And for each of them you should see the "actual seconds" in the public package data window. I guess you'd put "86400" in there for each second in a day. (not sure if it can be set to hours). Now you just have to arrange the packages in the NPC's package tab so that the first location is at the top, and the next below that, and so on. The last one can be an ordinary sandbox package, not this new template. Hope it helps. As I said, I haven't tested this, maybe someone who has done this can help. Meanwhile, here's a link which might help: http://tiarum.com/wiki/Skyrim_CK:Package_Templates#Simultaneous_Wait_and_Another_Procedure
  12. Not sure how you've set up your Packages, but it may be that if you've set the first package to 24 hours, then that is the only one that will be used. Because each hour of the day it will keep using that package and never choose another. Did you want them to keep going back and forth each day, or only spend one day in Markarth, then go to Old Hrodan and stay there forever, never going back to Markarth?
  13. I think I know what you're asking. I don't know how well you know the CK so I'll give a general explanation. Under the "light" section of the editor choose a type of light you want, say for instance "DefaultTorch01". That will cast shadows. If the name has "NS" on the end then it won't cast shadows. For example "DefaultTorch01NS". So once you put the first one in most objects should cast shadows near it. One thing to remember is that I don't think that shadows are displayed in the CK, so you'll have to load it up in game to see the effect. Unless there's an option to change it or something is wrong with my version, not sure. Hope that helps.
  14. No problem, I'll help if I can. Everything seems fine so far, I'll keep looking. Seems strange that it would affect the character's head as it seems to be in the image you posted. How did you import it into Skyrim? Replace an armor or make a whole new set of armor? Also what were all the settings when exporting from Max? Have you done others that worked before?
  15. Hi, Sounds odd, also a bit hard to say what it might be. Would it be possible to get screenshots of the settings in NifSkope?
  16. Hi, I've tried looking through the CK but have not had much luck at this. What I'm trying to do is have the effect that plays when you kill a dragon and absorb it's soul happen when I kill a particular creature in a plugin I'm making. I can't figure out how to make it happen. It doesn't have to actually give the player a soul, but is there a way to have that effect happen on another creature or NPC? Any help would be appreciated, thanks. Oh, and it doesn't have to burn away the skin either, just have the swirling light effect go into the player.
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