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Everything posted by Slangens

  1. 1.The game updates automatically. No need for checking. 2.Try learning to use Mod organiser instead of NMM. it has much more utility for modding and is really worth it. NMM is still very unfinished and has little tools. It especially lacks some install routine regulation. 3. try checking the STEP guide, and the Skyrim GEMs website for mods you would like to use. The ones listed there are sometimes really worth it. But always use the unofficial patches. 4. TAKE YOUR TIME. You can easily mess up the setup and it will make problems. Check one or two modding guides on the STEP page, they really got a lot of good info on that.
  2. One question I have to ask: I've been using WIP and Artifacts, Armamentarium,Immersive weapons. And I don't see how the replacement of a mesh supplied with a fitting texture would lead to missing textures. It would- AT MAX - lead to bad UV mapping. But yes, the problem would persist even if WIP is installed last. The meshes use the vanilla texture which is replaced by WIP with one that has a different UV setup. SO a very small patch is needed.
  3. Yes, I am using CSE version 6.2 "talkative badger"; I believe I already mentioned this in the first post. As an update: I gave up on the Local map approach, I instead created a custom map from Distant LOD textures and a downloaded map. So this thread can be pretty much closed.
  4. You could try lowering the CellBuffer Values in the ini to something like 3 and 36. This might lower the crashes because there is a lot of cell data in a setup which is as thoroughly modded as yours. Thus fewer cells being buffered might be good for the engine to work for. Also, You might consider using the Oblivion Stutter remover, f not already doing so. If you do, try disabling it and see if it helps. Also, as a side note, but this is purely personal, I'd rather use Unnecessary violence 3 instead of deadly reflex, since it's a bit more polished.It probably works better. But I can understand that you would like to stick to the throat-slitting system.
  5. What kind of 'crash' is it you're having? Does the game freeze and become unresponsive, or does it simply quit without notice, leaving you at your blank desktop? When does the game crash? right after start, so you can't even see the loading screen? When it's going to the main menu? Right when you load a save, or do you even have some time playing before it crashes? You might consider launching the game in windowed mode, and, while the game is running, check the memory usage by starting the windows task manager.
  6. Sorry for pushing, but I really need some help with this. I already had the idea of copying all the worldspace records from the plugins to a specially created plugin just for the local map generation so the CS wouldn't have to load all other plugins. Do you think this might help? and if, does anyone know of a way of batch copying a certain type of record from multiple plugins into one?
  7. First: The order BOSS (I believe that's what you called OBSS) is CORRECT. With the successor, LOOT, it would be a wrong one, probably. But the load orders BOSS puts in are right. So you can run BOSS and it will set all the plugins right. Maybe you should rebuild your Bashed Patch after that. Second: The crash on exiting is a common problem. Oblivion is pretty bad at shutting itself down. Use this OBSE-Plugin for it, that makes it work just fine: ( http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/22410/ ) You could post your original and the BOSS load order here, maybe there is a problem we can help with.
  8. OK, first: This has NOTHING to do with Tes4LODGen. the LODGen tool only updates the distant object data, in other words, what objects(e.g buildings and rocks) are displayed in the distant LOD. Your problem are the textures of the distant landscape. I've heard of this problem before, and I remember setting your video setting preset in the Oblivion Launcher to "High" or "Ultra" might help. I can't exactly remember what is the cause of this, though.
  9. Do you know if your oblivion.ini is write-protected? How about the other settings?
  10. Could you post your list of mods? Maybe it's possible to find the problem mod.
  11. I've had this type of CtDs all the time. It's the hud_main_menu.xml . Try uninstalling DarnUi and reinstalling the files manually. Are you using HUD status bars?
  12. Okay, I've planned on creating a custom dynamic Map for my Setup. So I have loaded the Construction Set (+ Extender 6.2) and loaded a selective Mod list, only containing the mods which edit the tamriel worldspace.(As much as they seem.) Then, I Made a plugin which replaces the asset paths of the markers with an empty mesh, so they will not be shown on the generated map. Then, i deselected markers and tried to generate Local Maps for the Tamriel Worldspace. (-64,59 to 64,-64). So, everything went fine from -64 to -55, but then the CS crashed. And from that point, it crashed almost every time I tried to create local maps, sometimes even at the first cell it was handling. It has nothing to do with the CS running out of memory. It has a 4GB patch applied, and it even crashes at 1.7GiB. I also tried different settings in MoreHeap, from 256 to 1024, nothing made a difference. YES, I tried to split the process up into smaller sections of tamriel, but it didn't work any better. Some cells seem to produce crashes at a faster rate, for no apparent reason.(they are often just empty.) I know it might just be overload, but if you know anything that could help me resolve the problem, I'd be glad. here's my loadorder, though I guess it's safe to say that it's just much, nothing more.
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