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Posts posted by imfamousfoofy

  1. Hello fellow modders!http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png Alrighty then; so I am working on a custom imp follower mod and I have hit a bit of a snag.http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/undecided.gif She uses a custom model and skeleton model based on the fire atronach skeleton. Now as per the size I want the imp, I had to decrease the actor's size on the creation kit to about 0.3000 from the 1.0000 default. When I did this the imp, who was floating like a fire atronach, decreased to the perfect size but asher size decreased, she got closer to the floor. At 0.3000 she is so low she clips with the floor and head tracking does not work well.http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.png In order to fix this problem I went into the skeleton.nif file and increased the z translation to 250.0000 which fixed her in game and put her at the perfect height.http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.png


    But as I did this I introduced another problem.http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dodgy.gif Even though she is floating in the air her activator is on the ground, like if she was still down there. She is at player face height, but you you walk up to her she looks up at the sky like if she was still on the ground and the head tracking does not work well. Also when you are going to activate her to talk to her, you have to look at the ground below her in order to find the activate her prompt.http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.png


    I apologize for the long topic, but I wanted to provide as much information as possible. I am looking for help solving this problem. As far as I can tell, I either moved the wrong bone, or I need to move something else. I have attached the skeleton nif I am currently using. These are the edits I have tried. The first edit is the current one I am using that puts my follower at the perfect height. The second edit was an attempt to fix the activator issue, after it did not work I deleted the second edit. I am not sure if this problem can be fixed with a nif edit or not, so please let me know if you can help.http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png


    1. The skeleton currently only has this current bone edit: 4 NiNode translation Z 250.0000


    2. I have tried this edit, in conjunction with the above edit and by itself but to no avail: 0 BSFadeNode translation Z 250.0000



    If you read this far, Thank you for your time and I hope you can help. http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png -ImfamousFoofy



  2. Hello \ (*o*) /. I am posting this to ask help from the modding community on a problem that is annoying and has very little information documenting a solution. Hopefully with your help I will be able to not only complete my mod but help many others in the process(I have seen many people ask about this problem). Ok here goes.


    Even though I am working on about 20 different Custom Mounts, for the sake of making this easier I am attempting to fix this problem for the Wolf Mount I have made.


    The problem in question is that when riding a Custom Mount in the water the mount swims but the character either runs in mid air above the mount or swims in mid air above the mount. Then when the shore is reached the character stays in mid air, so one must dismount and then remount.


    I am having quite a bit of trouble getting swimming to work. I have tried adding the swims check box in the mounts race. I have tried adding swimming in the movement data in the race. I have also tried adding a condition directly into skyrim's animations tab, that links swim state directly to the actor mount but all to no avail.


    PLEASE HELP ME!!!! I have been trying for a few weeks and I can't get it to work. I have tried downloading other mount mods and looking at the source files to see what the author has done and I have also tried messaging a few people but to no avail. Thank you for your time.



  3. Hello I am trying to make a spell that locks containers and doors. I need to create a script to achieve this but alas I am not good with scripting. Can someone please help me?


    I want to create a spell that when cast, it gives the player a few seconds, lets say about 5 seconds, to activate a container or a door. Once you activate it a menu should pop up asking what level lock you wish to use from novice to master. The player can then select the lock level they desire and thats it.


    Another way that honestly I would prefer is that instead of the 5 second countdown to activate something; the spell could be a toggle spell. So once cast any containers or doors you activate will ask you, what level you wish to lock them. Then once recast the effect will toggle off.



    Thank you for your time and hopefully your help. :)


    Sincerely, Foofy

  4. Hello I am trying to get a water dripping effect on a weapon, similar to the effect from the wet and cold mod where water drips from the body. The weapon itself is a scythe I modeled and it is meant to be imbued with the power of water. I would like to incorporate the water dripping effect but, I would like the effect to be permanent on the weapon, not conditional if the weapon is wet or not. I would like it to be like an enchantment. However I fear that this is something that would most likely require a script.


    I am alas stuck and I am begging someone to help. I have been working on this mod a long time and now this is a major snap for me. I even have voice acting done, so if the weapon doesn't drip it will ruin the whole mod. Someone please help! Thank you for your time and hopefully your help. :smile:



    P.S. I am also in the process of creating a power attack projectile that fires from the scythe. The attack will send out a wave of water. The normal attacks might create small splashes of water. But for now one step at a time.

  5. Hey I have been looking and I can't find anything about this so I thought I would put in a request. Can someone please make an armor based on the Breton Archer Armor From the Elder Scrolls Online?


    The armor is not included in the game and even when splicing multiple armors together the armor can not be made in game. And since ESO is a well, lets just say that everyone I know who has skyrim and played ESO has gone back to skyrim. I think it would be awesome to have this armor in skyrim where armor actually looks good. The armor would have to be made from scratch but it is honestly a well worth it endeavor. It is an amazing armor and it would complete anyone game. I myself use multiple armor and clothing as I roleplay and this would be perfect for when I start the Dark brotherhood and the thieves guild again in my current play through. Someone please make this!!!


    Here are a few links that lead to pictures and videos of the armor.



    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH9fCA3dmGc <----Cinematic trailer, armor is seen at 2:15.





    http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/ <----top right of page

    http://skyrimforums.org/sf/threads/the-era-of-evil.42442/ <-----Picture is found when scrolling down a little

    https://www.google.com/search?q=breton+hero+armor&biw=1920&bih=965&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6t09VLm9KpKWgwSO7ICABw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg <----General search on google













    P.S. @Nexus, if this request is in anyway a breach of rules, I apologize, as that is not my intention and as I right this I have no willing knowledge that this post or the links break any rules. If I am mistaken please take down this post, and I ask to not get in trouble. Thank you for your time.

  6. I had the same problem. I have werewolf mastery and PLRT. When I changed werewolf mastery to have non hostile wolves, all the npc's from PLRT were hostile and tried to murder me on sight. As soon as I changed it back to default Hostile wolves. They stopped wanting to kill me and were unaggressive. I do not know if it matters but I also have non hostile npcs on. So again hostile wolves on and non hostile npcs on. This gets the npc's nice. Hope this helps.

  7. Ok so I am working on a huge mod, and again I have hit a snag. I have a new custom house that I have created and a new huge exterior. What I want to do next is add Hearthfire Functionality to the house so that it can be one of the choices to either move your existing family to or to tell Constance at the orphanage where you will be living. I want to make it so your family will live there and interact with the house. I have already added a wing to my house that includes children's beds and chests. What I am having trouble with is how to actually add that functionality. I have no idea where to go or what to edit. I have looked around and I haven't really seen anybody add a new custom house to Hearthfire yet. Can somebody please help me? Its incredibly annoying to be stuck at this point. Do I have to modify the quests, or maybe a global form or what? Please Help Me! :(

  8. @senviro: you can see the texture but it is just really dark, like if a satin overlay is on it. I'll send you the mesh and textures if you want to take a look at them.


    Also I have noticed something. In nifskope when textures are missing the model is pure white. But in this case the model is dark grey. That is so strange.

  9. Hi, i am trying to retex a sword I have but the issue i am having is that no matter what i do, the sword is always dark. I have no idea if the problem is with mesh or the textures. the sword just looks like if it was in a shadow the whole time. its incredibly annoying. can someone please help. In my opinion i think there is something wrong with the mesh but i can't be sure. whoever would be so kind to help me please respond and i'll send you the mesh and textures i am working on. I would attach them but they are a work in progress and i do not want to release them yet. thank you in advance.

  10. @krisjay: So I just place the "HorseMarker" at the stables? Or do I need an actual xmarker? Because in the creation kit there is a HorseMarker. I placed it at the stables but nothing has changed. :/ is there something else i need to do? Also when i place the horse marker i get the red ! point like the mesh is missing. I tried finding the mesh in the bsas to extract it but I can't either find the mesh that the creation kit is pointing to. thanks for your help.

  11. does nobody have any ideas? Isn't there a way to set a default position for the horse? Or maybe like a script that selects the current player horse and places them in the stables. Everything with the horse works just when you fast travel to the house you land on the map marker and the horse lands next to you but half of him is clipping inside the house's exterior so all you see is your horses butt. You can still get on the horse and ride it though.

  12. @brotherbob: I tried the script and it did not work. Thanks though.


    @blacksupernova: I tried putting the conditions on the actual spell like you said and it was successful. Thank you. The spell works great. I added a condition for the player, the current follower faction and the player horse faction cause the spell was also killing my horse.


    @enaisiaion: I fixed the spell to not rely on the player's own frost resist after reading your post. thanks.


    Thanks everybody for helping me. I thought it was never going to work. Thanks for your time.

  13. @brotherbob: I tried what you said but a peculiar thing happened the spell doesn't even cast now. like you can cast it but the blizzard hazard doesn't appear or happen; just like a small explosion that looks purely aesthetic considering it didn't do any damage to anything. After i removed the conditions it works again. Well it still kills the player but the hazard shows up now. Any other ideas? Cause as of now the only way to survive the spell, not including super frost resistant armor and god mode, is to take a bunch of healing potions while your life is slowly being drained... which kind of sucks. :/

  14. So I have been working on a long list of new mods one of which is an overhaul to the master spells in skyrim. Now the problem I have reached is that everytime I increase the damage done by the blizzard spell not only does it kill the enemies but it also kills the player. So I am trying to find a way to allow the player to survive. Now I have noticed if I am wearing frost resistant gear the damage is less. Now Normally I would just put on frost resistant gear and move on but the problem is that you need 100-200% frost resistant gear in order to survive the spell. Now that sucks because that also means that you can no longer be damaged by any frost spells. Which is game breaking to me. A dragon can frost breath you point blank range and you get like 0 damage which sucks.


    So what I was wondering is if someone can help me with a script that I can put on the blizzard spell so that when you cast it, a temporary buff of 200% frost resistance is added to the player, so the player doesn't die and then once the spell ends, the buff is removed from the player. Please help me because i have been at this for a few months and its a lot of work in so that one spell ruins the mod. Thanks in advance.

  15. OK so I am currently working on a house mod and i have reached a bit of a problem. When you fast travel to my house on a horse you get positioned correctly on the map marker and such but when you are not on a horse and you fast travel to my house, you get positioned correctly but the horse gets positioned halfway inside my houses exterior. So you see half a horse stuck in my house. So what I want to know is if there is a way to make make it so that when you fast travel to the house the horse lands in the stables I have built. Thanks in advance.

  16. Hi, I am currently working on a mod to change eola. I have finished everything I want to do but I am currently stuck. I have an npc, that my friend created for me, that has the perfect face for what I am looking for. Now I am trying to change eola appearance to look like the other npc I have, but I can't get it to work. I tried just taking eola and copying all the attributes from the other npc. They look alike but they do not look identical. i would assume that if they have everything the same then they would look the same, but they don't.


    I would just leave it like this but I'm a bit of a perfectionist and it just does not reach my standards. The face I want to give eola is just one of them faces that if anything is of, it looks horrible. I have tried woking with them in the npc editor but, they just do not match.


    What I am asking is if anyone knows of a way I can make eola look like this other npc. Also, I was looking in the character gen menu and i saw that there was a button for importing a .npc file, but I have o idea how to make a .npc file. Is that what I need to do?


    Please someone help me. I have been working on this mod for a few weeks and it would suck if I came all this way only for it to fail because the npc is incomplete.


    Thanks in advance, Foofy

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