We know that the other nation's aren't doing too hot. Wayrest in High Rock has been torched by corsairs. Skyrim is in the midst of a dragon crisis plus a bloody civil war. Morrowind has lost its capital of Vivec City, and now fights the Argonians for control of the rest. Hamerfell is devastated. The Aldmeri Dominion and their vassals seems to be the only state not in a complete catastrophe. Now, what about Cyrodiil? I always sided with Stormcloaks for many reasons, but one of those was the fact that Cyrodiil itself, the heart of the Empire, seems to be on the verge of collapse. Bandits burned down Leyawiin and Bravil. There were bandits running through the streets of Cheydinhal, killing people. The Imperial City is overwhelmed with refugees. Is there any part of Cyrodiil that is doing okay? I remember hearing a conversation about Skingrad that made it seem like it wasn't a ruin by now or something. So maybe the West is doing better? I know Anvil was completely destroyed by the Dominion. It just seems like the Empire is a giant corpse that is taking years to keel over because it's so large, but keeling over it is. Especially since my Stormcloaks kicked them out of Skyrim and basically ended their hold on any other province besides their own. :) But is there any info I left out, any glimmer of hope for Cyrodiil that I missed?