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  1. I can't get it to work either. All of Witcher 3 modding is kind of poorly notated in my opinion. I'm guessing we're relying on some kind of batch file that isn't existing/behaving correctly. I wish the modders who put in so much work would go the 1 extra 5 seconds needed and put instructions into exactly where to override what file. It's very frustrating.
  2. Is there any way to take the tattoo textures and apply them to any face? A mod where you can apply human tattoos for instance onto elves in the character creation would be nice.
  3. Is there any way to make a mod to allow for the adding of an eyepatch onto your character, either via a piece of equipable armor or in character creation? There is a texture and model for a la Iron Bull. Also and on a completely separate note, Iron Bull's leather and plate armor (the full body covering) would look wicked on a smaller person...
  4. The time of a Dozen Frowns is upon us, my brothers! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  5. No. : ( : ( :( I was sure everyone would love it!
  6. ALAS, the giraffe death throes did not entice a divine render-er of my inspiration. Whether tis nobler to suffer the indignities of a B-I-L-L-I-O-N bumps, slings, and errors of outrageous misfortune? THAT is the question.
  8. Okay guys, I don't know if anyone around is still skillful enough to pull this off, but I absolutely love the look and feel of these for an Armor of Akatosh. Perhaps awarded after slaying Alduin, or an alternate for Dragonborn dlc reward? http://www.dualshockers.com/2013/08/30/new-monster-hunter-online-artwork-showcases-cephadrome-armor-and-weapons/ The girl on the far left and the guy and the far right are what I have in mind. I love it because it has a very asymmetric, organic, ancient gold dragon type feel, which is how I think of Akatosh. Anyone interested? EDIT: *Peers over at ghosu*
  9. I've always loved the style of Morrowind gear the best, and am delighted that skilled modders like IS are taking up the task of making some of the best of Morrowind's swords. But can we make some of their spears and halberds too? Spears (from top to bottom): Chitin (love this one, was one of my Nerevarine's early weapons) Daedric Dwarven Ebony Iron Silver Steel Halberds (from top to bottom): Dwarven (another personal favorite) Glass Iron Steel
  10. I agree, it's a big disappointment. There should have been a male counterpoint to the most recent great steampunk release. I'd love to see some cool brown or maupe leather and cloth plated here or there with golden dwemer plates.
  11. We know that the other nation's aren't doing too hot. Wayrest in High Rock has been torched by corsairs. Skyrim is in the midst of a dragon crisis plus a bloody civil war. Morrowind has lost its capital of Vivec City, and now fights the Argonians for control of the rest. Hamerfell is devastated. The Aldmeri Dominion and their vassals seems to be the only state not in a complete catastrophe. Now, what about Cyrodiil? I always sided with Stormcloaks for many reasons, but one of those was the fact that Cyrodiil itself, the heart of the Empire, seems to be on the verge of collapse. Bandits burned down Leyawiin and Bravil. There were bandits running through the streets of Cheydinhal, killing people. The Imperial City is overwhelmed with refugees. Is there any part of Cyrodiil that is doing okay? I remember hearing a conversation about Skingrad that made it seem like it wasn't a ruin by now or something. So maybe the West is doing better? I know Anvil was completely destroyed by the Dominion. It just seems like the Empire is a giant corpse that is taking years to keel over because it's so large, but keeling over it is. Especially since my Stormcloaks kicked them out of Skyrim and basically ended their hold on any other province besides their own. :) But is there any info I left out, any glimmer of hope for Cyrodiil that I missed?
  12. Err, isn't there already hawks that fly in the game? I remember shooting a lot of them. Or am I smoking something?
  13. How do you know it's not summer there already? Skyrim is in the far north of Tamriel, and still the north of Nirn. It's supposed to be a very cold place, even from the very early canon days it was always remarked as cold and dreary. Some people theorize Akavir must be warmer or on similar latitude as Skyrim, by way of sailing between the two you go across the northern pole of Nirn. I don't ever think the snows should melt in Dawnstar or Winterhold, for example.These are mountainous areas or plateaus in extremely high latitudes. Look at mountains in lower latitudes -- there are mountain ranges and plateaus in Afghanistan (which isn't that far north on Earth) where the snow never melts ever. Skyrim has snow. To me, asking there to be seasons with a change to it all, is like asking it to snow in the deserts and jungles of Elsewyr or something... Cyrodiil has the temperate climate. Not Skyrim.
  14. All of these can be done and have been done. What I am trying to do is find a mod or modder skilled enough to have one eye slashed shut or permanently closed. Have yet to see that.
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