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Posts posted by cmlslayer

  1. I get alot of constant shimmering/flickering in the game. Mostly on straight edges and large distant objects. It's like AA shimmer but I have never seen that happen while standing still.
    here is a video of a bridge doing it in the distance. Reminds me of z-fighting but no one else seems to really be complaining about it. My friend stood in the same spot and said he didn't get the effect. Please ignore the Starcraft stream in the backround I did not realize my mic was on.




    I have tweaked about every graphics option I can.
    780 ti
    16 gb ram
    windows 8.1

  2. I seam to be getting a texture problem in some parts of the game. A series of dots will show up when I do or look at certain things. It can range from small ( muzzle flash on my gunshot) to large (in dust clouds). It seems to be connected to things that are semi-transparent like bushes, certain parts of peoples hair, dust, muzzle flash, ect. Here are some screenshots I took although the problem is somewhat less present in them. You might have to zoom in a bit to see what I'm talking about. Any help would be appreciated.








    This will happen with zero mods installed.


    (Edit) Fixed by turning off transparency multisampling in detail settings I guess there was already a thread on it here http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/757486-checkered-textures-with-transparency-multisampling-on/ but could not find it until I knew what the problem was.

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