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Everything posted by DoubtSuspended

  1. Update: Not an ideal solution, but installing this skse plugin immediately fixed all my issues. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75951 I plan on recommending it on my mod's own page.
  2. Yes. I did test that. The sync was identical to the one generated from the batch.
  3. I am working on a quest mod that is nearly complete, but am having issues with the accuracy of my .LIP files syncing with the game's audio. From what I understand, when the Creation Kit generates these files they take into account the actual text from the editor, as well as audio from the .WAV or .XWM files. I am developing my mod on the original creation kit, and am generating my .lip files via the batch command. I also know to avoid special characters in the text, and all of my audio is 16bit mono. Here is a video displaying what I am talking about. The NPC's line is very simple, "Take a look." https://streamable.com/vvv3i As you can see, there is a significant delay between the audio and the actor's lip movements. The next line however, plays just fine. Here is what my audio looks like in waveform: https://imgur.com/a/THYqyEp Does anyone have any advice for getting more accurate .lip files? It seems like about a quarter of my lines are messed up like this. Thanks!
  4. Hello, I have been working on a quest mod for quite some time now, and am finally ready to cast all eleven of the quest's roles. The mod is Fortune's Tradehouse. It adds a new marketplace to Markarth with new areas, quests, characters, and items. This is a lore friendly quest mod that will fit right in with the vanilla game. Here is a link to the Casting Call! https://www.castingcall.club/projects/skyrim-fortune-s-tradehouse
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