We all occasionally have ideas. Sometimes they hit us with the force of a freight train, others like the boop of cats snoot.
Well.. I wondered onto the track and got obliterated.
This isn't really a request. To be honest I don't know what it is, just.. don't want this to be seen as some discontent console peasant. Just some musings really.
Notice how ammunition is handled in Fallout 4? You have weight on survival, different calibers are offered in a basic form, can be looted, purchased or manufactured via contraptions.
I miss the days of Fallout: New Vegas. The reloading bench and ED-E was essential to my survival, I could dismantle and produce ammunition OF VARIOUS TYPES on the go or at an appropriate bench. There were components involved; Primers, shells and casings, powder and projectile.
We lost this capability when the mainline series released our current aspect of the Fallout universe; Fallout 4.
Since then we gained the ability to build communities and shape Commonwealth society; we are now dependent upon the construction of settlements and merchants to maintain our state of effectiveness.
I noticed AWKCR by Gambit77 has reloading benches. Digging deeper into the vast depths of this creation; I seen resources for primers, shells and casings, powder and projectile (They even have their own meshes and textures!). No implementation, the bench ammunition recipes are vanilla.. I think (I play on Xbox, I have no clue if this is indicative of function for the PC version). I then think about that stockpile of ammunition I have; That can't be dismantled for components. My only choices are to rearm with a different platform or get financially.. taken advantage of.. by Crazy Myrna for attempting to sell in order to buy the appropriate ammunition.
Now think on the way the mechanic for firearms operates. Pull out gun. Fire gun. Exhaust magazine or clip (PING!). Reload gun (..For some that means after every two shots even..). Rinse and repeat. The whole time this is just a ticker counting down from a central stockpile with specified reload intervals.
But we're missing something. The act of reloading magazines and clips. These endless magazines and clips we carry (I personally like to use my infinite sphincter) appear out of nowhere (already loaded) and disappear into the same nothingness from whence they came.
What would you think about magazines and clips being an actual item? Weighted in survival and able to manufacture or purchase. You have to add the ammunition to them in order to fire the firearms; That way you're not just pulling the trigger and those rounds in your pocket just start flying.
My opinion is that it adds some realism and should be seen as immersive. It could change the whole dynamic of gunplay. There would actually be tactical assessment involved with engagements.
This is getting way to long. I'm going to get off my soapbox and take my leave.
Please, interact with me on this. I wrote this because I really want opinion.
As always, Thank you for your time and consideration. Much Love. - Nord