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Everything posted by Madpleasure

  1. In response to post #37060890. #37061240, #37061310 are all replies on the same post. I thought it was just me.. I saw this announcement earlier somewhere else and still haven't been able to log in, lol.
  2. In response to post #37051480. #37051520, #37051585, #37051605, #37051705, #37051765 are all replies on the same post. Same for me as well.. also, the notifications will not load
  3. In response to post #36934920. #36937520 is also a reply to the same post. Thank you so much.. I use NMM, but I like having a safeguard was well. <3
  4. Me as well, I've been unable to download any file in the past hour or so via the nmm or manual.
  5. Looks incredible.. can't wait =)
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