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  1. Ah I'm so sorry! Time really does get away from you sometimes. I took the armour in to show the character supervisor and he suggested a whole bunch of changes. I went through and made them all, but unfortunately a big project came in for Destiny and I was pretty much non stop. After that I was on holiday. So sorry for the lack of updates. Here's the stage it's at so far, I would love to get around to doing it, but other big work projects are sucking all my time. I'll keep tyring to get back to to whenever I can. thranduil by P h, on Flickr
  2. Sorry it's been so long, almost three months eeek. But I've been slowly plodding along with the armour. The model is finished - here it is. Next up is to prep it for the game, then on to textures. I am considering doing a full production version, if only for my own satisfaction :smile: http://i577.photobucket.com/albums/ss220/ravedonkey/thranduil_zpsxojsltar.jpg
  3. Here's an update :D The Greaves look overly large as they were modelled around the boots, may need to take them down a bit but I'll wait and see what they look like when the troos are in. Just a few things left to add and some proportion checks then I can start polishing :) The fabrics will need a good few passes and I'd also like to do an accessory pass and then a wear and tear pass. Thanks for all the interest everyone! http://i577.photobucket.com/albums/ss220/ravedonkey/thranduilFull_zps78ylmgi3.jpg
  4. Being Scottish that idea does appeal to me kidcongo :)
  5. Haha some very interesting responses! Thanks everyone who's interested :D Sorry it's a bit slow going, work ramped up and i was working v.late + wknds D: But I've been squeezing in the boot. It's not finished and will ne covered in armour but I didn't want to go too long between updates. I've seen the dracula untol armour being touted around quite a few times and TBH it's high on my list...the nazi clothing not so much :) (no offence of course, you're entitled to like whatever you want :)). After this it's just the cloth and the circlet. Can't wait! And it sounds like a good idea alandaniel, the explorer armour. http://i577.photobucket.com/albums/ss220/ravedonkey/boots_zpsmfqu09mt.jpg
  6. Thanks for the ideas guys! Thats a cool cocept AstalSion, is it yours? Works been pretty crazy :smile: But here's and update of Thranduil if anyones still interested. This is on th largest Skyrim body so he looks a bit on the beeft side. Any comments and Critiques are welcome! Oh and I'll definitely look into make that sheild for you TD as soon as I get a chance :) James http://i577.photobucket.com/albums/ss220/ravedonkey/thranduilBody_zpspur15pfi.jpg
  7. Works been busy! Long time between posts. Not sure if anyone's still following this, but here's the Thranduils cuirass :D Took me a bit to get the proportions balanced between him and the Skyrim model. This is modelled to the largest body, am I correct in assuming I'll have to remodel it for the smaller body? Or does it scale it automatically? Anyway feedback would be awesome :D For push on with the pauldrons. http://i577.photobucket.com/albums/ss220/ravedonkey/tranduilCuirass_zps9skbfldz.jpg
  8. So I went ahead and made Thranduil's Gauntlets as a test. I work in cinematics/trailers so baking this accurately will be a fun learning curve. But before I go any further I thought I'd let you guys see. Whaddayathink? Hob: No need to get down in the dumps! we're all here for fun right? I'm happy to do what the forum wants most, I just thought LOTR would be generally well received :smile: Nightinglaw: Oh Yeah I love Diablo 3's armor, especially the hunter. I'll earmarl that for later. Zeb: Awe man that sounds super epic. A wee bit crazier than I was planning on though haha Thanks again for all the input. http://i577.photobucket.com/albums/ss220/ravedonkey/tranduilGauntlet_zpso3jhdmqj.jpg
  9. The beyond Skyrim stuff looks very cool! I'll definitely look into it. I would like to atleast do a few on this forum though, I'm not a fan of empty promises :) I do like the look of Tharanduil's armour looks very cool and simple enough. Do you think a lot of people would like it? Granted I don't think it would take too long, but I'd hope to do something worth everyone's while. Do people generaly like things from other world brought into Tamriel? I wasn't sure if I'd be better being "lore-friendly", as it were. Thanks for all the input! I'd pick one and start now but I'm still getting a feel of the water :D
  10. Hey guys! I'm a 3D artist on the hunt for some weapon or armour mods to make :) I've had a look through and saw some interesting ideas but I'm not sure what the community would best benefit from. I'm open to just about anything at all but I'd love it to be something that a lot of people want. All I ask in return is some feedback :) Honestly anything! You name it I'll do my best to make it.
  11. Ok, Applied the texture to a vanilla model and they looked fine. Going to try and sort the texures on the model export. Is they're boxes I need to check upon export?
  12. So, my weapn is in Skyrim. The Normal Map appears to be working fine but one of my textures, I am at a loss as to which one, is seriously messing up the look. I have a feeling its either the evironment reflection map or the Spec Alpha layer on my Normal Map. Ive compared these to the actual maps supplied in the bsa files and they are set up exactly the same. I cant seem to find where the problem lies. Could it be the model? All my normals are fine. Any help would be awesome thank! In the mean time Im going to try and ReMesh a new model and try to apply all the textures.
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