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About Davidinho22

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  1. Quests and locations can now finally be created in The Witcher 3. Radish tools were released on 9 April 2019. Thought the ones who love The Witcher 3, but didn't know about this, might want to.
  2. I barely believe that a mod like this hasn't been released yet. You see many hairstyle mods that look good, but many players want to also keep the vanilla appearance. A new hairstyle for the alternate outfit for Ciri and Yen would fix that issue since selecting them with the original outfit would keep the original hairstyle anyway.
  3. There is a quest in The Witcher 3 named A Walk on the Waterfront where you act as the bodyguard of a drug dealer in Novigrad at the port. He tells you that if you help him he will give you a big reward in gold, yet if you help him until the end, even though he will get 4000 crowns right in front of you he will give you 10 crowns.......... enough money to buy you 2 breads I think. It would be great if someone could and would be willing to make a modification in which you get a reward instead of a joke, like 100-200 crowns for instance. Even though it doesn't really make a difference since when you got to Novigrad it's easy to make a few hundreds of crowns anyway, but it feels like a joke when I do dirty work killing some humans for a rich dealer who just got 4000 with my help and what do I get? 10 crowns................... I wanted to fly his head off but it said that I could not attack that target.
  4. When alternative outfit is enabled only Triss has a different hairstyle than in the original outfit. Yen and Ciri have the same hair in both original and alternative. I think it would be nice to keep the original hairstyle for the original outfit and change it for the alternate one.
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