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About boononnexus

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    Legacy of kain series

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  1. so the games stops running when i hit the play button. the message i am getting is: A problem has caused windows to stop working correctly. windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. so i ran BOSS and found 2 errors Error: masterlist update failed. Details: cURL could not perform task! cURL response: "Protocol https not supported or disabled in libcurl". Check the Troubleshooting section of the ReadMe for more information and possible solutions. Critical Error: ".\Fallout New Vegas\masterlist.txt" cannot be found! Check the Troubleshooting section of the ReadMe for more information and possible solutions. Utility will end now. i dont where to find, this master-list or which folder to drop it in or teach the game to find it could anyone help me out
  2. Sweet! thank you much im gonna get cracking.
  3. ok so ive DL the CK, been watching and reading tutorials and am ready to start tooling around, but i dont wanna run the risk of ruining my game. so. any good ways to be safe?i was thinking of making a copy of my data folder is that a good idea?if copy the data will i be able to import the items i make from the backup to the main esm i play off of?
  4. never used SOS so, ill say its the latter, this is what i was thinking from the start but i have had no idea how sophisticated BOSS is or was, i couldn't be sure if it was capable of a accidental warning, heance "BOSS confusion" Thanks.
  5. well im new to BOSS, so where does boss create a log i have 3 tabs which ill put up in them descending order, Summary, SKSE Plugins then Recognised Plugins. also ive run skyrim last night without Climates Of Tamrielto create a log i reinstalled (now i only have one warning)anything you see is helpfullet me know if this is the correct way to post a BOSS logthank you for the time
  6. got 3 warnings from BOSS, all the same, reading as follows: Warning: Due to conflicts between Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons and ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hardcore.esp it is recommended you use the appropriate compatibility patch found here. so the kicker is i dont use SOS (Sounds of Skyrim) so i dont know whats up, any thoughts?
  7. i think Skyrim has a darker more brutal and sinister feel i prefer this, for some reason Oblivion seems to be a perfect high fantasy too clean.
  8. so ur playing in windowed mode? id say its something to do with other active windows ie web browser.....i just guessing try running your game keep others things closed like media player text pad folder and browsers.
  9. i would like to add note to mark ore
  10. Morrowind was best but this isn't relevant
  11. from http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Trinity_Restored under the bugs paragraph should help you a bit further If only you and Karliah make it to the stones before taking the oath and Brynjolf is still walking away, use console command setstage TG08A 55. This starts the cinematic sequence without Brynjolf, who will join the show slightly later.Sometimes, Karliah will simply turn around and walk out of the cave instead of opening the gate. As she is the only one able to open it, this renders the quest uncompletable.This can be fixed by opening the console, clicking on the gate and using the console command disable, then setstage tg08a 52. As with all console commands, exercise extreme caution
  12. this guy resolved his issue http://eldersouls.com/topic/1894-trinity-restored-karliah-bug-not-answered-anywhere/ good luck im out of ideas.
  13. *note enb is an enchanted shader mod, not a lighting mod, it sounds like a problem with lighting does your video show info on other mods running during its recording perhaps in the description load order rule of thumbs .esm always b4 .espsome mods have multiple plugins double check thisFX/textures last in the order has the right away and lays over the othersGet BOSS a program it archives game crashes & resolves conflictsBOSS also tells you if a mod is out of date or dirtywith BOSS the better users will be better equipped to help you
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