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Everything posted by Styxie

  1. Ahhh okies, thank you. I coulda swore that it was C++, I don't know why. I figured it was like a C language though because I dabbled in C# but was just learning that. And yes I have a module and some items/weapons. I'd like to add them to my character's inventory. I've read tutorials on it, just when I see some things it looks like it's a garbled mix of code and other things. I used to be just a straight .DDS editor for the most part, but I am unsure where to look for those files so I figured I'd try my hand at the weapons part. I'll look at those and see if I can make heads or tails of it. I really do appreciate the links, that's for sure. They help now I just have to make sense of them, lol. I'm more artist than coder. But I figure if I can insert stuff I make into the game, then I can hunt for the .DDS files so I can edit them to my preference. Although I have noticed that this is like the hardest thing I've ever tried to modify. I really do appreciate the information though as well as the patience you've shown. I'll go through all of these and if I have more questions I won't hesitate to ask. Thank you kindly! ^.^
  2. I know, I'm bad at details when I'm like over-excited, haha. I've looked at the forum posts on how to code in the items that one makes into the game. But I don't understand what is the best way to go about writing said code. I'm not sure how to start it or make it do what I would like it to do. I've created my items it's just coding them to implement them into the game. C++ is not a coding language I understand anymore. So when I do see it it just makes my head hurt. I'm not needing an actual code, just an example that doesn't look really garbled of how I might actually go about trying to code it myself. I hope this is not as broad as my first post, haha.
  3. Okay, sorry for my double posting in my own thing but I figured it was just easier to post to mine and to not clutter up a new thread. I'm pretty good with making the module's now after a little bit of time. My new problem has came with a reaction that more so made my head hurt. I've been looking around the forum to see how one may go about coding the items in. I sort of understand it and I sorta do not. I have a friend that's willing to help but C++ is not the language that he knows. So bit of a delimma there, lol. But I was wondering really if there is a good way to go about it that is semi-understandable. I mean I learn fairly quick, it's just the getting started part that I'm not so great it. When I see code it's like my brain freaks and I'm left with a headache. I do already have my own script for my mods so that it doesn't interfere with the game and you know risk messing it up beyond repair. Just there's nothing in said script because I'm not really sure how to go about starting to code it so the items can be added. Any help/advice/guidance would be much appreciated.
  4. Thank you so much for replying. I'm going to go a head and try that now. ^^
  5. It's not that I'm new to modding, not exactly. I'm just new to DA: O modding. I don't rightly understand the tool set, but I have figured out some of the simple functions of it. I have one of the most noobish questions in my book and the bad part is is I feel like I should know the answer. I've wanted to create new weapons for some of my characters but I do not want them to be OP. I just want them to work for the characters and what is important to said character/class. I hate when games are made way to easy by OP mods, I do like a challenge. But most of the weapons I've ran across via game system or computer version don't really fully work to what I need specifically. I've followed this: http://dragonagemodding.wordpress.com/2009/11/11/a-start-creating-a-module-to-give-your-player-an-item/ to a tee for the most part. My issue is when it comes to the folder itself for the custom mods. I do not know how to make a folder for the particular purpose and I would very much like to. My issue is is I'm not sure how but I feel like I should know the answer. This part is not a ploy for anything it's just an explanation as to why I feel like I should know how to do this but can not rightly grasp how. I have MS (Multiple Scerlosis) and I used to mod things before my first really bad exaserbation (flare up). I also used to do some script/coding w/ C# and the like. This includes an old SQL database. But when I had the first flare up, it practically obliterated my main know how of these things, but these can be re-learned. So I'm guessing my question is do I create the folder through the SQL or do I do it some other way? Any information or guidance would be greatly appreciated. ~Styxx
  6. Honestly I'm new here and glad I looked around before asking this same question. I want to say thank you so very very much as this fixed my problem. <3 <3 Very grateful and appreciative. Now I can go back to playing with the toolset and figuring out how to mod things.
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