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    Flight sim & Oblivion

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  1. I have done all the quests required plus some and I simply cannot get Falk to offer me the house. I have been told I can have one; I have helped 6 people and still he won't offer the place. Anyone know of a workaround for this bug. Playing latest steam version 1.7 or something! nOW COMPLETED ALL QUESTS AND REAQUIREMENTS FOR wINHELM hJERIM - TOLD i CAN BUY A HOUSE - TOLD i CAN BE A THANE - STEWARD WON'T EVEN OFFER HOUSE SALE. tHIS IS GETTING STUPID - PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP. Sorry hit caps lock by accident - can't be bothered to change.
  2. All Booted up computer this morning and my anti-vrus (Avast) immediatly flagged up a RED warning. Apparently there was a file in my Steam Directory. Steam/Bin/Filesystem_Steam.dll I have no idea if this is a genuine file; a virus or whatever. I have done a complete boot scan and things appear to be fine. I have loaded up Skyrim (although I use SKSE I am assuming that Steam still cross checks) and it loaded. I do not remember if it was the file itself or whether it was merely affected. All I can say is be careful. If anyone knows anything about this could they publish so other players will not be as frightened as I was. Turns out it was an attachement or something inside the file,. The original file is still in the bin folder and steam/skyrim working fine. Thanks for all the comments etc - carful note made but truthfully I am not 100% convinced. Avast seldom plays me around like this but hey - each experience is new and different.
  3. HI I appear to have acquired a complete new city in skyrim - must have come from some mod or other but I can't figure out which one or what to do. IOt seems to be called the 'City of Lost Children' and on the map it appears parallel to Whitrun but left of it. When I get there I am told I need a key which is held by someone who is in Blackreach. Now I only found this out because I cheated my way through the first locked door then fond a note which told me. I have searched Blackreach from top to bottom and both sides - nothing. OK so I cheated some more and found myself in some sort of huge hall with numerous buildings none of which could be entered 'cos the doors gave no choices. Cheating entry simply lets you into a completely empty building. There are various children hanging around but none of them will talk to you. Oh yes, there is also a ghost child when you first enter but she runs away screaming as soon as you approach. I have searched the forum with no luck; I have searched Wikki with no luck and Google only gives results for a totally separate game. Has anyone any idea what I have found and how I go about interacting with it?m
  4. Is there a tweak I can use to make my followers follow more closely. I mean they are always about 5 metres away so far as |I can tell and I would like them somewhat closer!
  5. I have dropped the Vidani Bag of Holding somewhere and forgot to pick it up again,. I have no idea where it is, I have tried every console command I can find but nothing seems to work - they all say script not complied. StartQuest BoHGive - not recognised Prid xx0008d4 - not recognised damn well find it - not recognised. Please can someone tell me how to get this bag back without having to de-activate and re-activate? Many thanks
  6. Thank you - a clean and straightforward reply. Much appreciated.
  7. Look I know I am probably being thick here but where do I find the normal textures in Skyrim. I mean I would like to paint the walls in Breezehome bright pink with purple and yellow spots (not really - just joking) but where do i find the wall texture. I have looked in the obvious place like Data; Textures; Architecture; whitrun and all I can find in there is some silly banner from a mod I ahve? I would also like to put some Blue Flowers on a cave wall - but where is the cave wall texture? Also downloaded NifSkope (or whatever) and all I get is """failed to load file header (version 14020007,"" "failed to load nif from 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/skyrim/Data/meshes/architecture/solitude/clutter/sdoorbanner.nif'" Please help!
  8. Open your Steam icon then go:- View Tools Creation kit then go across the columns & click on the word 'uninstalled'. The creation kit will now download. Once it has finished find the icon and double click - this will cause it to install. Now go to:-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDKivlGmia4&feature=relmfu They have kindly provided about 5 tutorial videos for instruction. They are very good. Simply download them in whatever format you feel is best then you can watch/practice at your leisure.
  9. I have Googled until I am blue and pink in the face but nothing and no-one actually told me where it is obtainable from. I am thus publishing the route below for anyones information. Thank you
  10. I have been told that FOMM will work with skyrim. I have downloaded both the Fallout 3 version of Fomm and version Installation goes fine but that is where it ends. As soon as I try to run FOMM it tells me it cannot find the Fallout 3 directory. Now I read somewhere that you place the FOMM Installation in your root skyrim one & that you also create a text file called Fallout.exe and put that in there as well. I have done both these things but still no joy. I also tried creating a fallout3 directory and calling the text file Fallout3 neither worked. Can someone help me out please with:- Which version of FOMM do I download Step by step instructions on what to put where and what to call it. Many thanks. System is Windows 7 x 64 Ultimate File path is c:\programs86\steam\common\skyrim
  11. Hi again - questions still remian but if it is of any use "ScriptDragon" is the culprit in my case. I have removed all the .asi's associated and the game has at least started. Don't yet know what will be affected but i'll come back on that one. Hope this helps.
  12. Sorry to all - I have just checked and I am only running something called "ScriptDragon". Still have all the same problems though.
  13. Sorry to be a complete moron - but what is "the conventional way". I thought the skyrim launcher was the only way????
  14. Went to load Skyrim which I bought legitimately on the day of launch. Played happily until today. Just tried to start it and steam have download some sort of update - now my launcher tells me my game is not supported and refuses to start. What the hell is going on?????????????
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