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  1. I used loot to set load order. I carefully read all readme's and should have everything including. I did conflict detection and cleaned all my mods I did verify game cache, had to re-download 1 file but didn't help much.
  2. Fallout 3 runs really smooth on my pc but it crashes allot, like once every 10 minutes. Load order: My Fallout.ini
  3. I have a decent PC but still Skyrim gets pretty laggy. I think I just have too much mods :laugh: . Here is my list, can anybody give me soms advice which ones to disable to get better performance?
  4. Bump, still not fixed :sad: Edit: after much f*cking around I found the solution: put Grass on steroids last in load order and SFO above it. Boss doesn't get it right.
  5. I tried that but doesn't fix it. As you can see on my screens, I have couple of patches of grass and they are all just really short.
  6. I first had lush trees and grass (only the grass part installed). I tried grass on steroids but for some reason it wouldn't work. But when I returned back to lush grass the grass keeps very small. Screens: I already deleted my ini files so the game makes new ones but the problem remains. This is my skyrim.ini and my skyrimprefs.ini And, finally, my load order Anybody have any idea how to fix this?
  7. So I modded my Skyrim to Oblivion (lol puns!) and with my new pc it runs very smooth. I do however have frequent CTD and infinite loading screens (although I use safety load). I use BOSS and also cleaned everything with TES5Edit I recently checked my crashlog and it was just filled with errors, can anybody tell me if they point to something I can do to make my game more stable? The log: My load order:
  8. So yeah: title says it all. My Skyrim works like a charm 40 - 60 fps but after like a couple of minutes it goes to 0 - 1 fps. It doesn't happen when I stand still, only when walking around, so I guess it has to do with loading new area's. I am talking about a new game. I have no idea what causes it, didn't even adjust my ini files. Can anybody help me? My pc: 8 gb of ram Intel Core i5 4570 / 3.2 GHz MSI GTX 770 Gaming 2 GB DDR SSD HD My mod load order (used BOSS offcourse)
  9. As the topic title says: I don't see my mouse ingame. When I start the game and I am in the main menu I see no cursor, with a bit of searching I can finally load my game, I have a crosshair but when I open my journal I also don't have a mouse pointer. I installed some mods but last time I played everything was fine, I haven't installed any new mods or changed anything....
  10. I think Darknut put his retextures in a specific folder based on the texture resolution (512 or 1024). Check so that you have put the dds. files from the specific folder into the Morrowind Textures folder. This was a great issue with his armor retexture, dunno if it apply to this download though :P There's a great variety of mods out there that improves the armors with bump-mapping, better meshes etc. It's just a bit hard to find these somethimes. I'll provide you with the links of you're still around. Yup im still here, so feel free to share them :P.
  11. I noticed some texture mods don't work (like Darknuts mod that adds sharper textures to creatures) Ive already searched online but other people who have this problem all have the steam version. I bought my Morrowind and expensions when they were released. Anybody has any idea how to fix this?
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