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Everything posted by NiteFromWindhelm

  1. It's good to hear something. Hopefully the improvements come soon. I can live with the new update, I just want the features and functionality back from before the update.
  2. I wouldn't mind this new update if it was feature complete and was as functional. But instead we got was less features and what was kept is less functional. My only other critique is to name things how they were previously. Example, trending mods should just be hot mods. You should never push an update fully aware that it's not on par with whats there now.
  3. I popped in and couldn't even find the poll. I guess they removed quickly after they saw the overwhelming amount of no's
  4. I 100% bet that the next news thing will either not get published, be published but the comments will be locked, or be published and have staff and a ton of mods sitting on the page deleting comments that say anything about how bad the sites new update is. The way the staff has reacted to our genuine criticism and problems we are having has soured how I've felt about nexus after using it for years. The place that was consistent and just worked has now become the opposite.
  5. Ah okay. Didn't know the rest as you didn't state originally. They really should do a poll now that it's here. Would be better data now.
  6. So your telling me that it was literally only a yay or nay. Not more in depth about certain parts and not even a section to fill out what was wrong? Just yes or no. That's not a beta test
  7. Yeah, clicking on collections, even tho it's the only thing that loads, once your in that section, it says there's nothing lol. Edit - seems to work now all of a sudden.
  8. So am i the only one on mobile seeing that mods dont exist on any game now? Which btw, you can fix this by deleting "games/" in the url. Never had this issue before and it's literally only on the new beta stuff. Edit - also my games section just loads Infinitely on the beta. Edit 2 - oh and the only thing that loads is collections.
  9. Well that was rude. As we can see, everyone is now affected with this beta with no opt out. Sorry that me suggesting that there should be a news thing or something, asking for users to vote or say what they prefer made you upset. This beta clearly needed to stay in the oven a while longer. Staff and moderation have been either hostile or blowing people off for giving genuine feedback. Since there's talks about data that no one has released, now would be a great time to compare that data now that there's tons of people who are saying the opposite of what the supposed data says. That's why I suggested a vote or voicing our preference that's accessible to everyone. Not just to the beta testers that stayed opted in vs all the ones that looked at it and opted out soon after.
  10. I think this warrants a thing where everyone can vote or voice what they prefer that's advertised on the site somewhere. Also why would you force a less functional version and promise to fix or add back things that were present and not broken on the old one. Should've released it when it was on par at least.
  11. I know others have probably explained things better and in depth, so I'll be brief. This new layout/UI/whatever is absolutely dog water. It's missing features and functions that the old one had. We also learned that people hate mobile looking stuff and that's why everyone was in an uproar with windows 8 all those years back. Speaking of mobile, I frequently browse mods on my phone to later open and then download on my PC. One of the problems is with this new mobile look is that it doesn't do what the old one did and that is displaying the entire name of a mod. It just cuts off with .... The old one displayed the full name and I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up yet with viewing on mobile. Please give us back the old layout or at the very least make this new stuff look like the old stuff and give us back the missing features and functions of the old stuff. The stuff that was kept doesn't even work correctly as others have mentioned, so that would need to be fixed too. What isn't broken doesn't need to get fixed.
  12. I guess I'll see if a moderator contacts me (preferably on one of my mod pages where I'll see it) or through a warning. But for now, they'll all have the DP go to charity until I'm told otherwise from a moderator. I feel it's the best conclusion and action I can come too on my own.
  13. I've gone ahead and changed all my SPID mods to donate 100% the DP they make to charity and Ill be doing the same with the AIO. It would be very silly of the Nexus to not allow the DP to go to charity.
  14. Don't use the forums much, but my question is, I've been recently informed about multiple DP opted in mods could violate TOS if I also have an all in one. I plan to have an AIO mod of all my recent spid mods and would like to know if changing those mods to give 100% DP to a charity would still violate TOS. I would rather the DP go to a charity instead of being wasted.
  15. As far as I'm aware, you can't remove moderator/staff placed tags. And the example given is not a good one. This now smells dubious and conspiratorial to me. Sounds like Vtaw couldn't have even been slapped with a warning like that even if they wanted to.
  16. I find it more rewarding and an honor or whatever to be one of the hot mods for a week then motm. Simply because you have to specifically search for motm vs being one of the 1st things you see on hot mods for said game.
  17. I believe WFW should be disqualified permanently from participating in motm. If all it was tags, then there wouldn't be an issue, but the intentional targeting from WFW through now changed description on his latest mod, now deleted or changed comments and as far as I've heard, encouraged harassment towards Vtaw on discord. At the very least, disqualified for this month's motm for simply cheating by doing everything in his power to mess with someone else who was beating him at motm. And apparently has a history of bullying since 2021 and has learned nothing. It's only going to get worst.
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