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Posts posted by snowbro191

  1. I think this is a great idea! Hopefully some one picks this up.


    Also, I would like to be able to wear more than 1 ring at a time - but that probably involves reworking how rings currently are involved with item slots.

  2. If any one decides to take on my mod idea or something similar I just want to let you know that I'm willing to help in any way I can. Although I wouldn't be very useful as far as coding/scripting I could help in other ways such as recruiting other people or promoting the mod.



    Also, Bump... because this forum moves surprisingly fast :P

  3. First of all I am not a mod creator so I am not sure if it is even possible to create a mod like this.


    Anyways, I have always loved the concept of Bards in role playing games. In many games playing as a bard or having them in your group allows you / them to play their instruments to buff the other characters. Elder Scrolls obviously all ready has bards but they aren't useful in the slightest - i'm not even sure if you can recruit any and even if you can they won't be playing their instruments in combat and would act just like any other follower.


    Essentially, I want a mod that allows me to hire a bard that will have unique behavior and abilities compared to other followers. What I have in mind is they never preform physical combat but instead play their instruments when in a combat situation. Like traditional bards from other games these instruments will give a morale boost to the player or a morale decrease to the enemies. The song's should have different effects based on which instrument you have currently equiped on your bard follower. There is currently 3 different instruments (maybe more I haven't really gone around looking for them in particular) - the lute, the flute and drums.


    Say you give your bard a flute , it could give the player a defensive boost. Lets say a 20% Magic Damage boost while the song is playing. The lute could decrease enemy attack speed if they are close enough and the Drum could be a more offensive boost giving the player increased damage. This would also leave room for making unique custom instruments. Ex. Forsworn Drum of Major Battle Rage. The effects of the instruments is really up in the air and having many different effects would only enhance the experience.


    I am not sure how many songs or songs per instrument are currently in the game but you could have those played to add to the immersion. Adding custom made songs could also be a possibility. I would definetly want an option to turn the song playing off, as hearing the same song over and over could get tedious to hear. Maybe an option to just have a quick strum of strings or beat of the drum at the start of combat to let you know the effect is taking place.


    This mod would be lore friendly while adding a new dimension to followers.



    If I could mod ( I should really teach my self ), this would without a doubt be the mod I would want to make the most. If anyone could give their feedback on this I would appreciate it greatly. I honestly don't expect some one to make this as it sounds VERY complex but at the same time I think it would be absolutely great. I can't see anyone not liking this mod ( although people may choose not to use it) especially if it is compatible with having multiple followers with the UFO mod. I did a quick search of these forums and didn't really find requests that had this unique follower concept, but I apologize if a similar topic has been created before.

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