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About rafmanbegins

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  1. Ok but can you say, record your character (as in make a video using fraps or something) and then make it play as the main menu?
  2. Hey I have a great idea for an ocean's eleven type of quest. I have no clue on how to mod, which is why I need someone's help. I can do some voice acting and Others on the forum can as well. The quest involves stealing a huge amount of cash/gold/whatever from the tops casino. But in order to perform this heist you and a guy named Ricky must bring back his old crew of Thieves. However every thief is very odd and has a quirk about them. Samuel: Is an African American explosions expert who can only speak in Shakespearian. Currently he is in Novac working as a Brahmin s*** cleaner. Raymond: A ghoul who believes himself to be the messiah. He was an expert lock pick and He currently serves as a bartender at the atomic wrangler. He also preaches against the dangers and evils of alcohol while still serving it. Jerry: He is Caucasian. An expert in computers. He believes that his dog is the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln. He currently hunts geckos in a camping spot near bitter springs. Mordichai: Caucasian and was an expert marksman. He is a rabbi (or as close as you can get after the apocalypse) and speaks in a very strong whiny Yiddish voice. (I am Jewish so don't start bout how this is anti-semitic) Currently he is the leader of a small group of raiders, whom capture the courier when the courier tries to find Mordichai.
  3. in theory this should be pretty easy to come to fruition. I dont know how to, but someone please make this mod a reality
  4. YES!! I would definitely love for someone to make more casino quests with a mafia vibe. Someone please make this happen, I'll lend a voice if need be
  5. Hey all, My mod request (because I can't mod if my ife depended on it) is a mod that changes the main menu screen to a picture of your courier. Your Courier could possibly be outside of goodsprings. Perhaps it could be animated, Maybe he/she is smoking,eating or drinking. Is this possible with the engine?
  6. So I have this idea about a quest mod. Which I will need help to make, As in someone make the scripts for the quest (I don't know how.) I can lend my voice, I am sure others on the forums will be willing to lend theirs as well. I can write the story for the quest though and all dialogue Basically it is similar to the quest in fallout 3 where the Lone Wanderer has to get all the keys off of Tenpenny's old mercenary crew in order to obtain the T51-b power armor. So I still need to fully figure out the story but here is the gist of it: The courier goes to the atomic wrangler and sees a drunken man blabbering about untold riches. Naturally the courier becomes interested and the man, who's name is Ricky 'The Sharp', tells him that he was part of a group of NCR deserters known as 'The Rejects'. Before the group deserted the NCR (before the first battle of hoover dam) they got word of an underground base which was shut off before the bombs fell. the Base was said to contain an unimaginable treasure, that could only be opened when all keys are found. The NCR however couldn't pursue this because of the upcoming (first) battle for hoover dam, and Ricky along with 3 other NCR troopers (forming 'The Rejects') decided to abandon the NCR and look for the treasure. They searched for the keys for a whole year and could only find 4/5 keys. Everyone but Ricky abandoned the dream. Ricky then states that he has finally found the remaining Key. The courier asks Ricky why he is telling courier this. Ricky then informs him that in his search for the keys, he pissed off a lot of people and they were coming after him tonight. As soon as the conversation finishes he is shot in the head by three men in trenchcoats. To which the player can kill. On Ricky lies the key and also some information on the whereabouts of the other 'Rejects'. Each reject has a very apparent quirk about him. Here are the rejects. Samuel: An African American who can only speak in Shakespearian. He has become a Brahmin s*** cleaner in Novac. Ray: A Ghoul who believes himself to be the messiah. He has become a bartender at the Tops Casino, where he tells everyone about the evilness of liquor while still serving it. He also believes his dog to be the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln Arthur: An alcoholic Caucasian with an eyepatch. He has become the leader of a bandit gang which imprisons the Courier when they first meet I was thinking that all 'Rejects' must be convinced to team up again and adventure into the Base after completing a small quest for them. Inside the base could be really wacky stuff like a talking Deathclaw, Traps, Insane robots.
  7. that sounds great just email me the lines. My nord sounds a bit like Arnold Shwatzenager, so therefore cartoony, so I am not too sure if you want that.
  8. Hey guys! I thought I would help my community by lending my voice talents. I am male. relatively deep voice. have an Australian accent, but I can do an American accent as well. (also Russian... British voice still needs a bit work) Anyway email me at; [email protected] or simply p.m. me (although e-mail would be preferred) I can also do a damn good ghoul voice
  9. Hey guys! I thought I would help my community by lending my voice talents. I am male. relatively deep voice. have an Australian accent, but I can do an American accent as well. (also Russian... British voice still needs a bit work) Anyway email me at; [email protected] or simply p.m. me (although e-mail would be preferred)
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