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Everything posted by IsaacScarlet

  1. Ive been sick for quite some time now and i didnt have the chance to follow this topic, but now i know that the first weapon pack is finished. :laugh: Thank you Jennifur68!!! Kudos to you! The weapon pack is overall amazing! I particularly loved the mace ;) I will be updating my first topic to inform people who are reading the thread about whats done and other requests. Thanks again for your hard work Jennifur68, all the fans appreciate it. Peace out
  2. To make a sword into a greatsword, or a dagger, is easy enough, re-sizing it is all thats needed in most cases. But making maces and axes with the same style of the sword is an all new level, you gotta be creative as the shapes are quite diferent (I guess im stating the obvious :P ). I must say im impressed with your idea of a weapon pack. Anyway, just take your time. Thanks in advance! I hope the halloween sales will run smoothly.
  3. The model you made for the sword is simply perfect, and i have to say i liked the "color" you gave it. In the anime it is like a pitch black, but you made it look a lot more realistic by putting those "gray patterns " in it. Overall its pretty awesome :thumbsup: Good going! I just got one question. In the image you show the sword compared to a steel greatsword model right? Are you planning on making it a onehanded sword, like the anime, or a different twohanded version? Just curious... Btw, good luck with Second Life. I hope the sales go well. :)
  4. Thx for the reply :) Also welcome to the SAO fanbase! Both darkdill and infinitejustice101 are right about Asunas armor. Its also pretty cool actually. SAO mods are totally lore friendly, so lets pray for an experienced modder to show up and save the day! Ps: Pal2alax, LOL, thats true.
  5. Hey guys, IsaacScarlet here. Ive been messing around with the creation kit a bit, but i only make simple mods (which are practically everywhere), and i am unable to make some equipment i really like. For all modders interested we appreciate your help This is my lil list: Elucidator: This is Sword Art Onlines (SAO) protagonist, Kirito, main sword. Its a really cool blade, not to mention powerfull! It should be a onehanded sword with daedric attack, as quick as a knife (for dual wielding, SAO fans know why) and should be craftable in either daedric or ebony. Im pleased to say that a weapon pack based on the elucidator has been made. Thanks to Jennifur68. You can find the mod here Dark Repulser: Just like the Elucidator, however with a different look, craftable in either steel or ebony. BlackWyrm Coat: This is Kiritos armor. Its a leather coat, but for roleplaying purposes it should be an armor. Maybe craftable in steel would do? It should have good defense to be able to use it everywhere in hard difficulty (hardcore roleplaying is my stuff actually ^^ ). Heres a last image with everything on it for easy view. Thanks guys for reading. Peace, IsaacScarlet out!
  6. Hi everyone, IsaacScarlet here! I made this thread so everyone can post some ideas regarding magic in Skyrim. Not everyone is able to mod, but a little inspiration should do the work. If there is any modder who would attempt to make something from this thread my greatest thanks, even if he is incapable to do so. Really appreciate it :thumbsup: . For anyone posting please state enough information for your spell idea so it can be understood. Thanks to everyone for the attention. First off i have some ideas of my own id like to share: Titania Barrage: This spell would summon many swords and knives which, while in midair, would attack targets in the form of arrows. It seems pretty simple but this spell is really hard to make. Maybe by making some swords have arrow physics? If you have ever watched the anime "Fairy Tail" you will recognize Erza (Titania) having this ability, you may want to watch her in action to get a feel of this magic. It can also be made with arrows(although swords seem coller). It should belong to the conjuration tree. I put a link to an image of Erza and her magic for reference. http://www.google.pt/imgres?um=1&hl=pt-PT&sa=N&biw=1366&bih=673&tbm=isch&tbnid=kHGrfCcGQqBfqM:&imgrefurl=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Erza_Scarlet_vs._Midnight&docid=XfeFg81lv9mryM&imgurl=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110624092154/fairytail/images/6/61/Episode_64_-_Swords_raining_on_Midnight.jpg&w=1288&h=720&ei=- Improved Rune Magic: I have seen some "increase number of runes" mods, but what about some kind of triple rune? For example, a spell which summons 3 runes in the same place, or a rune with multiple effects. It should belong to the destruction tree. Teleport: There are already some teleport spells in nexus, but what about a teleport spell which works like a projectile? Like you shoot a magical ball that, by hitting a surface, teleports you to that place. Or maybe a rune made for teleporting (either instant or not instant teleportation). I think it would belong to the alteration tree? Summon rides: There are many rides available, especially through modding, and people created different horses, like flame ones. Why dont we take it to the next level? This might be the hardest spell to make. People could summon other types of rides besides horses: how about a saber cat? what about the final fantasy loved Chocobos? What about a skyrim dragon? a flying pegasus? maybe an elephant (like the ones in LOTR :) ) or a lore unfriendly car? there are many choices, but the ones which arent based in skyrim, like the chocobos, are really hard to make. Again, should be in conjuration tree. Thank you all for reading and helping the nexus community Peace...IsaacScarlet out! :wink:
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