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About Nukerunin

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  1. Yeah, I posted on there 30 mins ago with a rather irritated rant. Short, but to the point, IMO. It's still "Awaiting moderation" yet like five other people's posts are visible after mine. Pretty funny. I'm sure they're going to disapprove it just because I brought up some of the flaws with the PC version. Can't go risking sales now, can we? Damn fascist slackers.
  2. I have only one real major problem with Skyrim. That being that I'm forced to have shadows that look like they belong on Calicovision if I opt for longer distance rendering. An exaggeration, I know, but valid nonetheless. The idea of such a engine mechanic and the retardation the devs must suffer to allow something like that to be in their final product for a PC release in this day and age, just blows my mind. Textures blurring into mush when I'm close to them even with super sampling AA and High Quality AF also irks me. After the dawn of Crysis, nonsense like that is no longer acceptable. Devs really need to stop catering to console playerbases, and start having seperate projects covering console and PC platforms. That being said, I think Skyrim's actual gameplay is pretty sweet. I found Oblivion to be a big bore from the moment I played it. So much, that I didn't even get passed the first town when it was released. I spent probably two weeks straight modding my Morrowind, and probably a few months playing it between all the expansions. I recently went back to play Oblivion again with all the new mods out, and discovered it was the biggest pain in my ass to mod ever. Load orders, two-three different programs to install mods, and even then, you'd be lucky if all your mods worked properly. Such a giant waste of time compared to modding Morrowind. Fortunately Skyrim seems to follow more in Morrowind's ease of application style when it comes to modding so far. It's just horribly unoptimized graphically, and the engine is severely outdated. Give Skyrim a 64-bit exe, full DX11 support, and get those modding tools released, and you'd have yourself a game of the decade within about a few months.
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