Probably not the first one to have that happen to, but: My Bethesda Account has just been hacked, all legendary weapons gone, only powerarmor Frame left, Camp beacon back at Valut 76 and Account password changed, so i cannot log in with Bethesda (launcher still remembers me though). i have contacted Bethesda Customer Service though and we will see, if anything comes of it. Anyways - since I have no clue HOW i got hacked, i wanted to let you know which mods i was using, so the developers or other users that do have the abilities to do so, might check for is any possible problems at that end. I'lll only post the .ba2 filenames, since I am not quite sure about the names of all of the actual mods. BagGlow.ba2 Better inventory.ba2 CapsTin.ba2 Glow.ba2 GlowingMines.ba2 GlowingSprings.ba2 IconsortingRatmonkey.ba2 MapVendors.ba2 PerkLoadoutManager.ba2 and then there was some kind of Mod that was supposed to change the color of friends and Teammates on the map, though i never got that one to work.