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About AgraveldTor

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  1. G'day all, I going to make this short and simple. Has anyone thought of making a mod pack/packs sort of like the Feed The Beast modpack from Minecraft. ( If you dont know what i mean, check it out here, http://www.feed-the-beast.com/) Taking a heap of mods, combining them into one big which can be installed through an installer, NMM or FOMM. All this would be done with the respective mod authors permission. Me personally whould like one based on Gophers Youtube Tutorials. Let me know what you think. Agraveld Tor
  2. Try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClqtmSUsFhg&list=PL20E326325BADAE44&index=2 Gopher is a great teacher and expains everything clearly. I always fall back to his videos if i cant figure it out my problems. The only other option that i can think of is to check if FMM is installing it to your game file. like this: (I assume u have FMM open and running) 1. click the settings icon 2. select the "Skyrim" tab 3. check that the "Skyrim Directory" is pointing to the corect place Example: Mine is : C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim I hope this helps a little Agraveld Tor
  3. I am looking to make script for use in Wasteland Defence Cont What i want to do, is allow the player to choose what type of armor their guards are using. a lot like this but without the need to go to every guard and console the armor. The armors i want to add are: - Enclave - BoS - Legion - NCR - Army I was thinking along these lines. Its not much. scn aaaSettlementArmorChangeEnclaveScript Short Button Short Active BEGIN GameMode if Active == 1 Set Button to GetButtonPressed if Button == 0 disable markfordelete aaaSettlementFortGuardAAM.additem aaaSettlementArmorChangeEnclaveTrooper // <-- Leveled List// Set Active to 0 elseif Button == 1 Set Active to 0 endif endif END or if that doesn't work what can i do.
  4. Ok guys. What is the stats you think are optimal for WD guards and raiders? Level Multi (What are their lvls compaired to yours) - Base Health - Fatigue - Races are: Super Mutants Legion Brotherhood Of Steel Fiend Feral Ghouls Any races i add will be based of these races stats. Also, what is your thoughts on the armor that the guards wear?
  5. I just did a test. I had 25 patrol/HW guards, 4 snipers, 4 AR guards and some robots. I played through 10 consecitive raids without a problem and i used the armory to rearm my guards.
  6. With the patrols walking through walls, i cant really do anything. But there is a way around it. When you place your water tank, Take note of where you stand. For me when i am placing my water tank, i always stand in a place that is outside where i plan to place my walls. Thats because, the water tank also counts as a patrol marker. It is the first one and the last one in a patrol guards path. Like this: Water tank, Marker A, Marker B, Marker C, Marker D and finally Water Tank. If you use this method you guards will miss the walls/buildings quite easily.
  7. Stationary Guards. I dont know as yet. i am about to do an exstensive test to see how long i can last with 4 snipers and 4 AR guards. I like some of your ideas, particually the "factionized" option, but i was thinkning more along the lines of making your own faction. Today, i have added a new building plan w/ quest, altered the armory so it will change your guards weapons, added a new guard option, The Heavy Weapon Guard (Patrol) w/ independant scripts from the original patrols. I will post some pics as soon as i have finished this test.
  8. ok i will have a look. What could WD do with that RTS hasn't got? Other than the blueprint option.
  9. Heres a couple of things i got into game. New improved market http://img546.imageshack.us/img546/1604/marketa.jpg New Walls http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/4347/boxcarwall.jpg There a 3 chioces of walls ( 4 total now). I also need new building ideas. And i was hopeing someone will take over these for me I would really like the smaller turrents so i can add them into WD. If anyone would like to take them and get them ingame, you can have full credits for them. Im to busy with WD and RTS to work on them. They are .3ds files but i can convert them into .obj if need be. If you would like the turrets, pm me your email address and i will send them to you.
  10. Gotta question. Who would have a problem if i changed the file from an .esp to an .esm? Also, when i have figured out how to add new plans i will release a .txt document with a tutorial on how to add your own plans.
  11. Ok with a massive thanks to viennacalling, we have figured out the problem. I am working again
  12. omg. how could i not have seen that. That was a big bugup on my part. I placed the V1.7 on the end to allow me to tell the difference between the 3 scripts. Big thank you
  13. As many may know, i am working on Wasteland Defence. I am looking for advice, guidance, a miracle on a script. Now about the script. I am trying to work on the stationary guards within wasteland defence. Everyone knows they are buggy and can cause CTD's. I think i may have figured out the problem, i have narrowed it to the stationary guard script itself, but when i try to save my work on the script, i cant. I have tried it in Geck, Geckpu, NVSE loader and all three with admin privilages. Nothing. Heres the script. This is from the V1.7 Alt file on the mod page. it is suppose to be the stable version of the script. I dont know what to do. Without being able to save scripts, my work on wasteland defence is at a stand still. If you can help me with this i will be greatful. Hell i'll even stick your name in the credits when i upload. If you would like to look at the other scripts from the other versions here they are: Agraveld Tor
  14. Geck NV and Geckpu NV. Im trying something now. I've made the .esp a .esm and i will see if it lets me alter it with an addon. Edit: Ok thats not working either.
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