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The guy who stands outside the Ald-ruhn Mages Guild and talks at you every single time you walk by him. He sends you on a quest to Solstheim. Whoever the numbnut at Bethesda was who decided to put him right there should be booted in the butt for that. Extremely annoying!
Morrowind, no doubt. I still can make up stories based on the lore of that game. Second and while this is an MMORPG, still deserves a mention as it has a special place in my heart, EverQuest. The game has changed a lot since I last played to the point it's almost unrecognizable, but I took roleplaying fairly seriously in it and it's how I have Denina as a user name. EverQuest was my first foray into any RPG so it bears mentioning. But yeah, nothing beats Morrowind.
I once roleplayed a character who wore sexy clothes because of the type of personality she had. If it weren't for modders making such mods, the character would've been a bust and not been as much fun because a part of her personality would have lacked expression. It wasn't about perversion or kinkiness - it was about the expression of a personality in a character I was playing. It was roleplaying...you know, the whole point of a role playing game to begin with. Mods make it possible to expand the horizons on roleplay...for some sexy clothes helps that expression of personality. For others, wearing flour sacks will do the job. That's how gameplay is enhanced.
Right click to open a menu and in the magic window, hover your mouse over the icons showing your abilities and buffs and see if you were diseased. If not, were you in recent combat with a spell caster? If so, they probably cast a damage strength and/or endurance spell on you. The only way to recover this is to cast spells that will restore your attributes (Restore Strength, Endurance, etc.) or drink potions with the same effect. If you have no restore strength spell or potion, you will have to acquire them or go to a Temple shrine or Imperial Cult shrine and have the shrine cast the restoration spell on you (I can't remember what it's called, sorry). If you're at 0 strength, you're going to have to drop everything from your inventory in order to move and hope you have a fortify strength spell, scroll or potion on you to get you to a merchant that sells one of those potions, scrolls or spells or to the shrine. If you're stuck with none of those, you will probably have to use the console (if on PC) to cheat your way to one of those places. If you're on Xbox, I have no idea if there are cheat codes to let you move around the map. If you can avoid doing that, it's probably best. I hope this helps. Good luck.
Nude children? Seriously? That is more than scraping the border on decency IMO. It's a game for crying out loud. If you want realism, have a kid in real life and raise it to be a decent, wonderful human being. But in a game? That's just a bizarre request making me wonder things I don't want to know about another person. :sick: As far as the rest goes, modders make what they want to have in a game. If they want G string bikinis, men who wear loinclothes or less or even sex mods, let 'em. As someone noted above, mods are optional. Don't use what you don't want. Be glad for what you can get that you do want to use. That's the nice thing about Bethesda games...everyone's game is as individual as they are. Just think twice about asking for naked children...98% of the world (I hope it's that much anyway) might want to kill you for even hinting at anything that reeks of pedophilia. And on that note, where's mah spoon? :devil:
Google has a link to a petition which I signed. If all the Americans would sign it, maybe it would make a difference...hopefully https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction/
Quick save and autosave both have been known to corrupt data in the save games so avoid using them. I rarely ever autosave and I never quick save.
Morrowind is an innately crash-y game. I don't think your crashes are because of your mods so much as it crashes because sometimes that's what Morrowind does. I think what happens is that the game engine gets bogged down in data after so long of play and just can't handle it. In my experience all games crash randomly for seemingly no reason. All I can say is save often and don't use quick save or auto save as they make your files vulnerable to data corruption. Actually make real saves and keep multiple saves of each character. I save every few minutes and definitely right before going into caves or tombs or other areas. Save before you go outside, save before you go inside a door. If you have time and know you will imminently be engaging in combat, save! Save before talking to an NPC to get a quest. Save after you get a quest. I typically save every 5 minutes or less. Yeah, it's a pain in the butt but doing that has saved me a lot of lost play time and headaches in the long run. Incidentally, I've heard of people who have had problems with crashiness with the multi-mark mod so make sure you save before using a mark/recall sequence just in case. I don't know if that might be causing all your crashes (I doubt it) but when using mark/recall, it might not be a bad idea to save. I don't use multi-mark mod and I save before using either spell anyway. I hope this helps. Good luck.
I think it depends on how you use the internet more than just the simple fact of using it. I think many people use it because it's a distraction from their lives and not their lives. As far as the whole mental illness thing, plausible. I think it can intensify it because instead of people actually dealing with their problems, they're distracted from them, making it harder to cope. I know I've done that. It's not always easy to deal with problems instigated by mental illness, but sometimes the internet doesn't really help that. Most of the article though read like speculation to me. There might be something to it but I think the internet is going to have to be around a lot longer to truly gauge the full effects over decades. People were always stupid...it's just with the internet and widespread news availability, it's seen more than it used to be.
Back when Morrowind was made, there was no widescreen for monitors so that was never implemented as an option. Do a search for the Morrowind Code Patch, download and install that. I believe that makes it possible to play with widescreen resolution. I'm not 100% sure of that though but I use it and I play on widescreen and it seems to not stretch as much.
I spent two years working in a call center. This was back in the day when pagers were widely used and to send an alphanumeric message, you had to call a message center and tell your message to someone who typed it in and sent it. I HATED being privy to those messages. If I had a $1 for every time someone said in a loving voice, "I love you" to me that I had to type in to the pager, I could have retired in those 2 years. But that sickening sweet I love you voice. UGH! Save that for your sweetheart; don't make me hear that. It was embarrassing. When we didn't answer pager calls, we had calls for everything else: doctor offices, funeral homes, hospice service, cable companies...and oh how I hated cable company calls, especially when there was an outage. We'd get 100s of calls from customers yapping about their cable being out at 2:00 AM. It would get so bad some nights that we would call the owner at home and wake him up to ask him to put a recording up telling people the tech is out working on it just to get some relief from the call load. In the middle of the night there were only two of us. We just couldn't handle that. And if only one person was out...they were even worse because we couldn't call out a tech for just one or two people. It had to be an area-wide outage. They would get so mad at us like it was our fault. So many stupid arguments over a TV. I quit watching TV for the longest time on account of that job. I hated the customers so much I decided the service wasn't worth it. I may have missed out on some good shows but I read a lot of good books. I don't miss my call center days. Except for having to deal with the cable company and pager customers it wasn't so bad really as I worked with some decent people but I've gotten too cantankerous and blunt to do customer service now. I just don't have any tolerance for stupidity and meanness like I used to when I was younger. I would probably get fired within a week because someone would piss me off and I would tell it like it is and if they didn't like it that they could kiss my butt. And there is a special section of Hell for the people who treat customer service representatives like they're inferior because they don't have what they call a "real" job. I will be in charge of the torture administered in that section. And for future reference, that screaming you will hear? Don't ask. You don't want to know what will be causing them to scream quite like that. Just turn around and walk away. Ignorance truly is bliss. :P
I had thought about installing the Overhaul but I was reluctant to due to not knowing any downsides to having it and not being able to walk in the wilderness would be too much of a downside for me since that's mostly what I do. I'm kind of bummed about that. Does that mod also overwrite the .ini? Is that what causes those render errors? Otherwise, I can't understand why an uninstalled mod should cause that kind of issue.
When I'm on hold for anyone I usually load up pogo.com and play some game on there that isn't timed...a harmless time waster.
When you edited the .ini, you opened it in notepad, correct? If so, were you running as administrator? I noticed most of Morrowind's problems now-a-days are because the user has to be running as admin for changes to take effect. I hope that helps.
Do you have a cure paralyzation potion? If so, try that. If that doesn't work, try cure disease. If neither work, earlier save.