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Posts posted by Erusion29

  1. Yeah; that's not how it works in any universe; cleansing yourself of Daedric influence would mean losing the abilities those Daedra imbued you with. Getting those abilities back would mean re-entering their servitude. It would be a HUGE F-U to Hermaeus Mora if he got rid of Mirrak, only to lose you, too. And I don't see him being able to do much about it, especially if you chuck Ohgma Infinium and all six Black Books into the Oblivion Vault. Being the champion of other Daedra just isn't as weighty a matter. Distasteful, in many cases, most notably Namiria, Molag Bol, Boethia, Peryite, and Mephala. But after you complete their quest, you can do whatever you want with their artifact; use it, lock it away in a chest, or even sell it!

    HM only lets you use Ohgma Infinium once, and you can't get rid of the Black Books at all. Plus, he told you you'd be his slave in Apocrypha when you die. That's not a good prize! As I said, I only have two paragon characters who'd want to avoid/defy ALL the Daedra, but all except one would want to defy HM. The only power you'd retain from the Dragonborn questline would be the Shouts, Dragon Aspect and Command Dragon. Since those come from your dragon blood and knowledge, he can't take them back. But the special abilities of Apocrypha would be lost.

  2. I mostly wanted a way to escape Hermaeus Mora; he's unavoidable in the Main questline and the Dragonborn questline; other Daedra are fairly easy to ignore, especially with The Choice is Yours and Timing is Everything. The author of both said he'd look into changing the quest trigger for Discerning the Transmundane, rather than just pushing the minimum level for completion, but the Dragonborne questline still ends with you being HM's slave.

    I only have two characters who would want to avoid ALL Daedric influence, but only one character who would NOT want to distance himself from HM after dealing with Mirrak.

    As I said; if you want to keep a Daedric artifact, don't bring it to the Oblivion Vault. Using said artifact will renew your communion with that Prince. As long as you sided with the Dawnguard and surrendered a Daedric artifact to the OV, you'll pretty much be an Agent of Stendarr, with license to do whatever is necessary to gather more artifacts for banishment.

    Now, if you sided with the vampires in the Dawnguard questline, the Vigilants wouldn't likely be so gracious. After the Dragonborn questline, you can throw yourself on their mercy to free yourself from HM, but they won't trust you; any further association with Daedra will make them your enemies for life.

    Anyone setting this up might want to look into a mechanic by which you can go back to Aela and/or Serana to become a werewolf and/or vampire lord again.

    DOVAHKI1N, since you're also familiar with my Blackreach Stargate idea, I should note an addition to it in light of this mod proposal; a Portal Book shelf where the Black Books(and hypothetical White and Grey Books) can be placed. I don't know which Daedric Lord besides HM you'd be so desperate to rid yourself of as to go to the OV, but with both mods, you'd have the option.

  3. Iâm not holding my breath, but if someone does this, they should also add a fat slider to the RaceMenu so the player can make their character 100wt of pure muscle (or a voluptuous female) or a 100wt tub of horker lard. (The slider should work at all weights and not just be an all-or-nothing fat or not fat switch, I just said 100wt to emphasize that Characters should still be able to be built like tanks. Also, itâs hard to imagine âfatâ at 0-30wt)
  4. The Vigilants of Stendarr are dedicated to fighting the Daedra and those who worship them, but with their tactics, that's a losing battle; just look at what happens to the reckless Vigilant Tyranus! They also cure diseases and poisons. So what if after the Volkihar Vampires decimated their leadership, cooler heads prevailed and a path to real victory was opened? At the end of the Dawnguard questline(assuming you stayed on the path and didn't side with the Vampires), you could find Stendarr's Beacon(atop a mountain just south of Dayspring Canyon) rebuilt and under new management.

    Gather the artifacts of the Daedric Princes. Become a werewolf. Become a vampire. Become Hermaeus Mora's slave in life and death. Serve Nocturnal and/or Sithis as the head of a shadowy organization. None of that would matter; if you come to the Beacon in peace, you will be cleansed of all Daedric influence, and any items you have that have been touched by the Daedra(including Black Books, the Rueful Axe, and Pelagius's Hipbone) will be sealed in the Oblivion Vault(in the Beacon's new basement; a transdimentional portal sealed by a silver door) Your soul would be redeemed for Sovngarde, and Tamriel would be safe from the Daedra for centuries to come(The Daedra are eternal, and will always find a way back, but locking their tokens away in the Void would certainly slow them down)

    Vigilants who met you on the road wouldn't attack you unless you refused to go to the Beacon. You could still be the Harbinger of the Companions and the head of the Thieves' Guild afterwards, without corrupting yourself all over again. Although if you did, Aela and Karliah wouldn't speak to you, anymore. Or you could become a werewolf, a vampire, and/or a Nightingale again. And return to the Night Mother. And go back to Apocrypha with another Black Book. But doing those things would nullify Stendarr's Redemption.

    Any other Paragons out there who think this is a good idea?

  5. If there was anyone watching you after interrupting the meeting, the responsibility would fall on a Psigic Monk. And they'd probably be more interested in protecting the secret; maintaining the natural development of civilization. While they'd be too morally concerned to try to cause or hasten your death, they wouldn't be overly concerned with preserving it, either.

    But that would probably cause continuity issues; if you had already met a Psigic during the CoW questline, the same guy would be assigned to watch you after discovering the alliance, and he could reference both events No problem there. But if you hadn't done the CoW questline before interrupting the meeting and then went to do it, he wouldn't recognize you. And monkeying with the scripts to try to make him recognize you during the CoW quest might cause more and different problems.

    I suppose there are workarounds and solutions, but I still think finding a Stargate that takes you to Apocrypha, Sovngarde, and the Soul Cairn would be sufficiently badass.


    I found something about an existing Skyrim Stargate mod; couldn't find the mod, just a port to SSE. But from what I read, that mod was written by someone who didn't understand Stargate; they made several in Skyrim. Stargates are for transport between WORLDS. More than one on a planet causes issues. Not to mention, Skyrim already has fast travel; who needs portals to travel around a country smaller than Rhode Island?!

    Now, in ES lore, Sovngarde, Apocrypha, and the Soul Cairn aren't on other planets in our universe; they're other planes of existence entirely. But they're places you can't just get to by walking; to get to Apocrypha, you need to open a Black Book, and you have to be on the island of Solstheim. To get to the Soul Cairn, you have to open a portal in Castle Volkihar and either become a vampire or split your soul. To get to Sovngarde, you have to fly on a dragon to an otherwise unreachable temple and open a portal there.

    An easily accessible location in Skyrim that would allow you to freely travel between them all would be useful. Now, to keep from damaging the questlines, the Black Books would still have to be found the normal way on Solstheim. The White Book could be placed in Sovngarde, and the Grey Book in the Soul Cairn; that way, you can only use the Stargate to return to those places after doing the quests properly. If a modder accepts this challenge and doesn't want the Stargate to be useless if you find it before doing the main, Dawnguard, or Dragonborn questlines, all I can suggest is making a new Black Book that takes you to a new area of Apocrypha.

  6. Maybe a Gold Book could take you to a new and independent location; the headquarters of the Psigic Order. Maybe you can find a conference room and interrupt a meeting. Maybe there are Asgard and Nox in attendance. And Khajiit, hinting that they are the descendants of the Furlings. And ascended Dwemer. And whatever else.


    But if that were the case, you would only have a few seconds to take it in after interrupting the meeting, because a Psigic Monk would definitely cast a spell at you that would knock you out, and you would wake up by the Statgate, and there would be no sign of the Gold Book. I don't think that would break the game, because it wouldn't effect any existing scripts.


    But it would be very, very, very, very, very, very, very hokey.

  7. I think adding the Ascended to the game would stretch the lore(not to mention the scripts) too far. I'm talking about modifying an existing area and providing an alternate route to other existing areas. Nothing game-breaking. Besides; we already have the Psigic Order...


    If I wanted to risk breaking the game, I would have suggested books taking the player to Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout.

  8. Some modders like to insert pop culture references into games as jokes, but this doesn't have a lot of appeal to more immersive gamers. I have an idea for a mod that may bridge the gap:


    A Stargate in Blackreach


    Since the TV show Stargate(and its spinoffs) is all about portals to other worlds that were built by an ancient civilization, it's easy to push its mythos further back, forward, or out of the box. And since some fan theories point to the Elder Scrolls being a post-post-apocalyptic Earth future(even though it's medieval and/or otherworldly fantasy) it fits whatever way you look at it. Blackreach is an ancient, forgotten city built by the Dwemer, who mysteriously disappeared(just like the Alterrans, most of whom ascended)

    I think it would be really cool to find a Dwarven Stargate in Blackreach. To keep things at least semi-lore-friendly, the ring itself would be made of Aetherium, and the mechanisms would be made of Dwarven Metal, Ebony, Quicksilver, and Gold. The symbols and constellations could easily be taken from Elder Scrolls lore.

    But wait; this wouldn't just be an homage for homage's sake. I have a use for this Stargate. Instead of a Dial Home Device like from the TV Show, there would be a Black Book Pedestal in front. Placing a Black Book on the Pedestal would activate the Stargate; the ring would rotate, the chevrons would lock, and a wormhole would open, all that jazz. Stepping through the event horizon would take you to Apocrypha - without having to go to Solstheim. If you want to really make it useful, you could add a special White Book that takes you to Sovngarde. And a Grey Book that takes you to the Soul Cairn. There should also be a special shelf for storing all these books; after all, who wants to carry around all those Black Books, anyway?

    I suppose other elements could be added for giggles; smashed up qartushes on the walls, a Jaffa staff(unique look, Fireball enchantment), a unique Tattered Green Tunic with a Stargate Command emblem on one shoulder... have fun, but please try not to go too overboard. Most of this should look like the Dwemer built it. At least, to someone who's never seen Stargate.

  9. It didn't work. It just gave the Vanilla Dragonbone Warhammer a bluish tint and odd pattern. I tried putting the created folders in dlc02, but when I did, even the bluing effect was gone. Any other suggestions?

  10. I've been using Multiple Followers Lite from the Steam Workshop for so long, I can barely remember not having it. It adds a power(Adventurers Assemble), changes a dialogue option("Follow me; I need your help" -> "Follow me for adventure!") and allows you to recruit up to seven followers at once. That's it. So simple. Some would say inadequate, but with a couple of other mods, I was more than satisfied. Then it turned out to be wholly incompatible with a new mod that I have decided is essential. I don't want to go back to only having one follower at a time, but if I have to, this mod is worth it. Still, I don't want to, so I'd like to try other multiple follower options.

    Simple Multiple Followers Advanced includes features that do similar but inferior things to the supplemental mods I mentioned earlier. It is complicated and not at all user friendly. Followers Unlimited adds 21 new followers. They are neither needed nor wanted. And just the description of Ultimate Follower Overhaul makes my eyes cross with its complexity. Forgetting the summon spell and the altered dialogue, is there a simple way to increase the number of followers I can have at one time; perhaps with a console command? Or could someone make a bare bones multi follower mod for Nexus?

  11. Are we really supposed to believe there are no fat people in Skyrim? The problem with body replacers is that they effect everyone in Skyrim according to a preset sliding scale; if you set CBBE to allow for fat women, a lot of really beautiful women come out fat. (not the least of which are Lydia and Haelga!) What I'm proposing is ambitious, maybe impossible, but it would go a long way for immersion.

    Could someone go through all the NPCs in the game, and render more realistic body types? Just for example, Olfred Battle-Born and Laila Law-Giver should probably be fat. And Temba Wide-Arms seems like she'd be on the thick side, but muscular.

    So as not to interfere with a player's prefered body replacer mod, this should be made to exclusively effect the NPCs deemed, for lack of a better term, "fat-able." In fact, there should probably be options to select which characters, and what percentage of bandits, falmer, etc. are fat, and how fat they are.

  12. In dlc01, there was no weapons file, let alone dragonbone within that. I checked dlc02, as well, and just about everywhere else in meshes and textures. I don't know where the weapon meshes are; thus my concern that this may not work.

  13. Done. Not very savvy, so I trusted you and followed your instructions to the letter. Hoping that it works, but I probably won't find out for a while. And if it doesn't work(or causes major glitches), all I should have to do is delete the folders I created, right?

  14. I LOVE it! Reminiscent of Wuuthrad, but unique. If you could make that a replacer for all Dragonbone Warhammers(and of course, change the smithing perk from ebony to dragonbone) that would be awesome!

  15. Why is it that EVERYONE retexturing Dragonbone weapons just makes them all look Orcish?! Okay, sometimes there are katanas and Volendrung, but still lame and unoriginal. I actually like most of the Vanilla Dragonbone weapons; it's just the Warhammer that looks like it's from the effing Flintstones. If they can carve decent-looking swords and axes out of dragon bones, and make maces from what look like teeth or claws, why is the warhammer just a giant femur?!

    If it's too much to ask for an original design that's not just a copy of another model, the existing Warhammer I'd like used for a retexture would be Iron; its head actually looks like a jagged bone fragment. And then, to tie off the loose ends, maybe retexture the Iron Warhammer to look like the Champion's Cudgel. Volendrung is a Daedric Artifact, meant to be unique. But the Champion's Cudgel could easily be just another named enchanted weapon like so many others found in the game.

    To be clear, though, if anyone is up to designing an original new Dragonbone Warhammer, that would be ideal.

  16. I don't know what went wrong last time I tried, but I just tried the Bless Home spell again, and it worked. Thank you, DarkRuda, as I doubt I would have tried it again without your suggestion. Problem solved!

  17. Already use it. I tried the Bless Home spell on a completed Hearthfire home, and it said, "this is not one of your owned homes." I don't know what that spell is supposed to be good for; it doesn't work on the Hearthfire homes or Summerset Cabin.

    I suppose it's possible that All Homes Remodeled by Galadreal is interfering, but I highly doubt it, because HMA recommends getting a remodeled home mod to compliment it, and lists AHR as compatible.

  18. Thank you, that mod looks promising; I'll have to try it out. I may have to experiment a bit with it and a couple of mods that it may interfere with, but if I can get it to work, it may solve some other issues. Unfortunately, it only seems to apply to followers; not all spouses are followers, and no children are.

  19. I started with Skyrim Legendary Edition, so I never played Skyrim without Hearthfires, and never had to install it. I have NEVER been able to move ANY spouse or child into ANY Hearthfire House, and no Hearthfire House I have ever built has registered as an owned home. I have been all over the internet, and have rarely found someone reporting my same problem(usually it's more specific to a certain homestead, spouse, or child) and I've never found anyone reporting a workable solution(most say they've never had that problem, a few say restart from save) Given that Hearthfires is built into Legendary Edition, it would make more sense either if the bugs had been worked out, or if the problem was more widespread and had a well-published workable solution. Does ANYONE know of a way to fix this, or could a mod be designed to patch it?

  20. Why is there a quest that requires me to buy a house? And not just any house, but a particular one? A particularly EXPENSIVE one? I have found two mods so far that endeavor to remedy this; one from Steam Workshop quite effectively moved the stone from Proudspire Manor to the basement of the Sleeping Giant Inn. The only problem was, it messed up the quest-related dialogue option with Vex. The other, from here on the Nexus, added a second stone to the Blue Palace; I don't know if it also deleted the stone in Proudspire Manor, because even if it didn't, the Proudspire Manor Stone is the one necessary to complete the quest, and the mod solved nothing; just added a useless red herring to the equation. I collected 24 stones, but the quest log says 23. Does anyone know if it's possible to move the Proudspire Manor Stone without sabotaging the whole quest? For compatibility's sake, I should note that I have Thieves Guild Requirements and Stackable Stones of Barenziah with Optional Quest Markers. And I'm not sure if this makes a difference, but the Skyrim Legendary Edition Unoficial Patch.

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