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Posts posted by Highnazgul

  1. You could give it a try to repair your skyrim with steam. (because it doesn't take more then a couple of minutes)

    Goto your game library, right click on The elder scrolls V: Skyrim. And pick properties.

    Goto local files, and click on verify integrity of game cache...



    And when you uninstalled everything, did you made sure everything got deleted before installing again? This comment someone posted on a forum helped me a few months ago.



    First you need to uninstall Skyrim(Captain Obvious to your service)
    This is how:

    • Open steam.
    • From the menu select: Games>View games library
    • Right click: The Elderscrolls V: Skyrim
    • Select: Properties
    • From the tabs, select: Local files.
    • Click: Delete local game content...

    After its been removed there are three folders you'll need to verify that they've been deleted.
    There shouldn't be any Skyrim folder in "..\Steam\steamapps\common"

    Delete the Skyrim folder from "..\Documents\My Games\"
    e.g. "C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\My Games"
    (This folder is where the game keeps its savegames)

    Delete the Skyrim folder from "..\AppData\Local"
    e.g. "C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local"
    (This folder is where the game keeps information about mods and etc.)

    For the mod manager I don't know as I don't use any.

    source: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/906390-cleaning-skyrim-for-fresh-install/


    Another thing that comes up to my mind is that it might be your computer that can't handle it anymore. But don't ask me if your computer specs can run it, cause I really don't know much about that.


    A few hints when you want to mod:

    Use a mod manager, like the Nexus mod manager, or the Mod Organizer.

    Also use LOOT for your load order and to find missing masters, errors etc.

    If you use much mods it's also recommend to use Tes5Edit and Wrye bash


    The Nexus servers are overloaded due to the Steam Summer Sale. You'll just have to wait until it's over, or find a time when there aren't as many active users, or become a Premium member.

    Have had the same issue, its 3:11am atm and cant find server >.>


    Plz fix Nexus!


    It only doesn't work for me when I try to download a mod that got updated/uploaded the same day I try to download it.

    But you could try to download on different times of the day.

    When it's 3:11 AM at yours. It's 10:11 AM for me. I mostly download around the evening or around midnight. So maybe it's better if you try it in the morning?

  3. I'm getting random crashes. Sometimes it's doesn't happen for an hour or two, and on other times it crashes a few times in a couple of minutes. (it mostly ends when I enter a new location) It also happened to crash when I was saving or tried to load a game.


    So I enabled the papyrus log too see what is causing this. But unfortunatly I'm not really familiar with this stuff. But the following message keeps repeating itself at the end of the few logs I have now:

    [07/02/2014 - 11:22:57PM] Error: Cannot call GetRef() on a None object, aborting function call
    	[DialogueFollower (000750BA)].dialoguefollowerscript.CountFollowers() - "DialogueFollowerScript.psc" Line 62
    	[DialogueFollower (000750BA)].dialoguefollowerscript.OnUpdate() - "DialogueFollowerScript.psc" Line 97

    So I'm wondering what the error message actually means (what's a 'none object' ?), or how I can find to what these 2 lines are referring to.

    If it matters, I have UFO installed, and also "my home is your home", Sofia and Inigo. But the only follower I have is sofia for the moment. No spouses either, and I haven't give here a home location yet. I also haven't uninstalled mods, I even started on a clean install.


    PS: I haven't tried to change too much for now, cause I'm playing the game from the beginning, and doesn't want to start over. Because I would probably mess things up and make it worse.



    thank you for taking your time to read this. And I appreciate any help you can give

  4. hmmm, I'm thinking something is restricting me to watch those guides?


    On every link to a guide about this I get the following message (normally I don't get it for other stuff)


    Not Found

    The requested URL /Skyrim-Fixing-Navmesh-Deletion-Using-TES5Edit-511.html was not found on this server.

    Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at www.iguanadons.net Port 80
  5. I already looked a lot for how I can deal with those "This file contains 1 deleted NavMesh record(s) ..." messages LOOT keeps giving me.


    I tried something, and I actually want to to know if what I did was correct. If not, maybe someone can send me a link to a guide? Cause all the links I tried before where broken, or I couldn't get acces too.


    This is how I started:

    * Opened the latest Tes5Edit, and only select the mod I want to clean. (it automaticly loads skyrim.esm and other things it depends on)

    * Right click the esp that needs cleaning, and click 'apply filter for cleaning'.

    * click again, and pick 'remove "identical to master" records'

    * again, and click 'undelete and disable references'


    This way I cleaned the mod of date that isn't necessary. And it also gives me the message there is a NavMesh that can't be deleted automaticly. So then I did the following:


    * Expand EVERYTHING, and click on every 'Navigation Mesh' too search for the deleted navmesh

    * Normally it has a lot of data, and it says something like 'compressed' in the record flag. But I found 1 that had "deleted" as flag, I assume this is the one that LOOT and Tes5Edit was speaking off.

    * So I just delete the whole Navigation mesh in the correct .esp

    (Cause I also tried to only right click on the record header, and click remove. But then it will come back when I open it again ... and cause there is no data in it, I guess it shouldn't hurt to just delete it.)


    If I check the mod again with Tes5Edit it doesn't say anymore that there is a deleted NavMesh record. So that's good I guess. But LOOT still gives me the same message ???


    So my question is, did I actually removed it correctly (probably not by the fastest way). But I shouldn't get any problems now, right? Or atleast less as before ...

    (It's because I'm almost using 200 mods, and I want to have it all cleaned up before I actually start playing again.)

  6. I just installed and reinstalled the mod called "Project ENB" it worked, but I'm on a laptop and the fps drop was a bit too much for me. So I deinstalled it as it says on the nexus page:


    Remove these files from your Skyrim installation folder


    Remove the files that were included with my Data folder (the Creation Kit needs the file Light.psc)


    The only things I changed in the ini files for the enb where these: (which isn't likely the source of the problem)





    But now some fire is grey. Like the fire in your hands when you are holding a firespell in your hands. And also some parts of normal fire. Anyone know how to fix it? I'm now backing up all the files, and then I guess I could use the "verify integrety of game files' But will it be easy to reinstall all the mods? (I have +130 mods installed, all in the right order, and some are slightly edited)



    edit: Now I actually see that everything is a bit more blue. When I start the game everything and I see my wallpaper for the start menu, it has the right colors, but once the menu is fully loaded and you can click new game etc the screen suddenly changes color with more blue in it.

  7. I just installed skyrim again this morning, and spend the whole day installing mods, most of them are mods created from before I stopped with this game for a while. So I'm actually wondering if there are some really interesting mods created this year, 2014 (I think I quitted somewhere before newyear)


    But I don't have any DLC ... no dawnguard, no dragonborn, and no heartfire. In my opinion it's a bit silly to spend my money on these things, cause I have seen some mods of decent quality that almost have the same amount of content ... for free ofcourse.



    Btw, I'm just so happy right now :smile: I installed +130 mods, and the only problem I had when I started the game, was that the carriage bugged out cause I had forgotten to check an extra box in the FNIS generator.

  8. First I want to say that I don't know much about all of this, I just try to use my brain and think a bit logically. So I want to atleast give some 2 tips in case nobody can help you.

    1. Do you run BOSS? Maybe it fixes things
    2. You can try to stream again by turning of all the mods, and then turn on some of them step by step. (turn them on in groups, not one by one, to spare some time :p ) Cause I think there are some mods that can have an impact, like "a grass mod that gives FPS BOOST and Dense Grass" or maybe the whole ENB thingy


    I hope this comment is not totally useless, and that you can solve your problem soon :p


    thanks. I know how to uninstall it what I am asking is what kind of damage will be done to my game and the mods if I take that action.


    You will still have the same game when you uninstall the nexus mod manager. All the mods are still in your game file, and will work like they did before. However they won't be linked anymore, which means that they won't update so easily (you need to do that manually if you want to)


    But the game will stay the way like it is now. So if you like it how it is. You can easily uninstall/remove the mod manager. And you can still change, add or remove a few mods by doing it manually.



    ps: I'm pretty sure this is true, cause of my own experience. But I just wouldn't like it if I completly ruined your game. So for the tiny chance I'm totally wrong some conformation from others would be good. :tongue:

  10. My file size is starting to increase more then normally. And the game is starting to run slowly.

    So I read somewhere that you should sleep a long time. I slept for one month (in-game), but my save file even increased a little more ...

    Then I enabled the log for papyrus. And when I open it, I see a very long list. Where the word "ERROR" repeats its over and over.


    But I have totally no idea what I'm supposed to do. I'm not so good in these things.

    So can somebody maybe help me? If I should post some things like my mod list, or something else then you can just ask. ;)


    thanks in advance

  11. I have installed Apachii Sky Hair, the Eyes of beauty and CBBE (nevernude).

    But the "Apachii Sky Hair" and "the Eyes of the Beauty", aren't available for new Races that are added by some other mods. And I also have some issues with the shading on the body etc.

    However I didn't had this problem before.


    So do somebody know how this could happen?

    I open the racemenu, with the mod ShowRaceMenuAlternative.

    And this is my load order:












    And I don't think there are other mods that could cause this problem.

    Because these are the only mods I have that change the body/race of your character.



    I don't know if this is enough information to find some possible reasons for this.

    But any more info somebody can give me, can be enough to bring me a step closer to the solution.

  12. I have indeed installed ACE and dance of death a couple of days ago. But I liked the dificulty of these: more realistic but not too hardcore ...

    So I just disabled all the mods once again I downloaded these days, and it seems that I overlooked one. The "unofficial skyrim patch" is the main reason of the problem.

    (Probably a double "fix" with some other mods)


    So I really want to thank you for your help, and time.

    And for your great advice, cause you probably helped me to prevent or/and fix future problems ;)

  13. I'm level 40 now, and I have a good protection from my well-smithed light armor. (with a few light armor perks)


    But even if I wear light armor, should guardians be able to kill you with only 1 arrow? (or with 3 slashes from their swords?)

    Now I think more deeply, I think its just with every creatures ...


    Is this supposed to happen (on adept difficulty). Or should I change some things? ... and how?



    Is their some way that you can reset most things? like magicka regeneration etc.

    Cause these also doesn't seems to work like it should be ... (magika regenerates too fast, and staming too slow ...)




    If this is completely normal, then I understand why the guardians always say that there adventure was ended by an arrow in the knee ...

  14. it seems you are fairly new to the nexus so I'd like to say welcome to the community (: I have a few suggestions for some fun mods to check out:


    I already thought it would be that obvious ;)


    But thanks for the reply, I just read it quickly, and it sounds promising.

    I will definitly take a better look at this, after a nice rest ...

  15. I mostly end my day by searching trough many mods, and watching some "mod of the week/month" videos. In the hope to make the game even better as it is.

    So I came to and idea, to post my ideas on this forum. So that other can show their favorites.

    a little side note: If their is already such topic, or if it fits better somewhere else, or it's even not allowed for some reasen etc. Then let me know, cause I wasn't aware ...

    I rather like balanced and lore-friendly mods. But sometimes a funny mod, can add that little more to the game to make it awesome.

    If I may, I will make a list. Were all the good, suggested mods will be sorted.

    However, I mostly don't download mods, that only improves sounds or graphics. Like: birds, enhanced citys etc.

    Cause I want to play the game smootly, even when my savefile is starting to increase in size.


    * Which overhaul and dragon mod do you guys like the most? Or maybe some combinations (with other mods) *


    Awesome ~ Smooth ~ Balanced ~ Lore-Friendly mods

    I will try to keep adding mods to this lists, but it can take some time to test these mods. (I still need to test many of the listed mods)


    I didn't made any of these mods. So all credits goto the original makers of these. And I want to thank them (and all other modders) for their great work.


    PS: If somebody wanders, I'm actually looking for some great dragon and spell mods (like "deadly dragons"), or some nice story mods. ;)

  16. When I tried to load one of my save files, it doesn't go further than the loading screen (with the 3d thingy).

    It just keeps loading and loading ...


    So I tried a backup from that character and after a while I noticed that my mana regenerates way too fast. It actually don't use any mana when I try spells like wall of flames.


    I looked on the internet that you need to use a previous save file. But I noticed it too late, and that file was already my backup.

    I just found on the internet that this is the result of a quest in the college of witnerhold ...


    So does somebody have a solution for one of those two problems. (I prefer the first one)


    Thanks in advance.



    EDIT: I really hope their is a solution, cause I'm already level 37. And I'm not in the mood right now, to start again from the beginning.

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