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Nexus Mods Profile

About Simsme

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  1. Problem solved, someone made an unlocker mod last month. How do I delete this thread?
  2. Is it possible that changing their climb angle could be a solution?
  3. An old mod made it so that ED-E was heavily nerfed unless you gave him energy cells and I think you could even set it so he couldn't fire without them. Having him use different energy ammo types for better output like MFC max for a kick against tough enemies would be amazing. This would also increase the utility of melee-only followers
  4. Could some one please make a new mod to remove infinite ammo? There used to be a few mods floating about that removed magical companion ammo. The one I found most useful has been deleted and the rest are old and don't cover dlc companions or have other shortcomings. I like to play with extremely scarce resources and it's always a blast when Arcade is forced to make do with some janky varmint rifle and plinking rounds then go melee in a pinch. For me it is definitely immersion breaking when I've got nothing yet Boone has an infinite and weightless supply of heavy and expensive ammo; your companions probably wouldn't be too stingy to share as you're in it together and resources are scarce, at least until you're rich enough for your own armory.
  5. Darn, that's disappointing, thank you very much for the answer
  6. I'm looking for a mod that makes cazadors and radscorpions fly/climb up cliffs and over rocks. I find it dissatisfying that I can just hop over an obstacle or seek height to out maneuver them. Wasps and scorpions can climb upside down with ease in real life, the Courier shouldn't be more mobile than a creature that does that, let alone a flying one. The same goes for hovering robots unable to surmount reasonable obstacles. This is my first request so my apologies, I have no idea what I'm doing and I couldn't find any existing mods
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