Hi there, to whoever reading this! This is my first post here (and my first time trying to mod), so apologies for any stupidity, or if I'm doing this posting thing incorrectly. I received Fallout 4 for computer as a christmas gift a few days ago, and so of course the first thing I wanted to do was to make a mod for my XBOX character I'd been playing with before. I've followed countless tutorial videos, all with different methods, and I'm at a point where I need to use NifSkope to proceed. The only problem is, my .nif file will not load into the program, no matter what I try. I get an error message: device position incorrect after block number 10 (NiTriShape) at 0x540 ended at 0x5a4 (expected 0x5a1) that I cannot, for the life of me, find out how to solve, or even figure out what's wrong. Now, I know this isn't' a troubleshooting forum, so please bear with me. The item in question is a voice modulator (basically, a microphone for a mute character), which I sculpted and textured myself in Blender. I exported it as an .obj, then imported it to Outfit Studio to change it to a .nif, gave it bone weight in there, texture, and then exported it again. NifSkope will not even bring up a preview of the object; it just loads up completely blank, with the error message above. If the object could be made a customization preset, that'd be preferable, but having it as an equipable object is acceptable as well (likely as a hat or ring selection, possibly an option for both). I would like it to be a standalone item, not made to replace anything already in game, but if that is too difficult, that isn't an issue. Or, if someone well versed in stand-alone modding could coach me on this so that I can learn from someone who has experience, I'd be extremely grateful! I included an image of the object on the side of the base female head in Outfit Studio, for reference in case that's needed. Thank you in advance!