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About Reg0lith

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    United States

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  1. Sunrise and sunset are at like 2am and 10pm respectively. This is not how the sunrise and sunset works in the US. It breaks immersion to have such a weird sunrise.
  2. I play on a 21:9 screen and have my FOV set to 100. So whenever I right click to zoom in, it zooms all the way until the FOV is 50, which is a bit immersion-breaking. I'd rather have the ADS (unarmed) zoom be something like 90, but I can't find the settings for it in any of the .ini files.
  3. Yes, the weapon is completely custom as far as the geck is concerned. I think the problem is I need to texture the modded models in nifskope.
  4. Well I just finished putting my textures, sounds, and meshes into dedicated NVChineseAR subfolders within their respective parent folders. I was still getting the issue until I just applied the textures to the default model. For some reason after saving the textures would get scrambled and the wrong texture would be applied to the wrong part. I still think this is because the "3D Index" numbers applied to each part differ between the default and the mods. However, I noticed that when I drop a modded ChineseAR, the world model has no textures applied. This is not the case in first person or third person when I have the item equipped.
  5. I'm actually not using paths from a BSA file, but rather I have included the folders and files themselves in the addon. My .zip file contents for the addon looks like this. The meshes, sound, and textures being folders that contain the required files. The folder paths for the weapon meshes and textures look like this Should I create a custom folder directly within meshes and textures or under the weapons subfolder of each? Or is the 2handautomatic folder fine?
  6. Hi, the mod in question is the mod I developed, the Improved Chinese Assault Rifle. The default world model isn't showing up with the correct textures. Here is what is happening. The gun that I have equipped is using the extended mags mod, while the one on the NPC is the default When applying textures in the GECK, I noticed that the order in which each model is listed is in a different order. When I preview each model in the GECK though, they are all textured correctly until I close and reopen it in the GECK. The default assault rifle has incorrect textures and the weapon mod models don't have textures applied at all when opening them in edit mode. Here. Note: I have not gotten a chance to test this out with the other modifications I made.
  7. I managed to fix the reloading animation. It was set to "Reload animation A" when it should have been "Reload Animation E" under the mods tab. Now to figure out how to distribute the items.
  8. Nah, I figured it out. I forgot to apply the hi-res textures in the geck. My only problems now are fixing the reload animation and getting the weapon to appear on npcs and in shops.
  9. Wow, I actually figured both things out in blender. My problem was I was editing a static model of the assault rifle. Both the texture issue and the magazine issue are fixed. EDIT: Woops, only my texture problem is fixed, sorta. They are looking kind of low-res.
  10. Hey guys. I'm the person who made the Improved Chinese Assault Rifle mod for New Vegas. The mod by itself works, but I've run into some issues with trying to build upon it. I have experimented with weapon modifications, mainly extended mags. I've got the model and default textures working (no new texture for extended mag yet, need help with that as well) However, during the reloading animation, the magazine is not pulled from the gun like in the default animation. I'm not sure if I did something wrong in blender or what. Also, I can't really figure out how to go about making a texture for the new magazine. EDIT: The texture problem is fixed. However, the magazine still doesn't leave the gun when reloading. I would also like to know how to make it so my weapon shows up on various NPCs like fiends, raiders, etc, as well as the mods showing up in different shops like the Gun Runners' shop.
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