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  1. the arrow will come back in the inventory just after the shoot... to reuse it after... its not needed that the player "fly" near to the arrow... its ok if just the player get thrown in some way after the shoot of the arrow, for a starting mod.. and for the reference, the arrows should be few, making them unique items, so traceable: -creating the arrows by a spell or crafting, it should give out the reference of the created object; -or making it a quest item; -or drop and pikup the arrows before use; the ones used should be always the same 3-4 arrows, so the script work only with thoose... can someone do this? >_<'
  2. great idea! thinking of it, with the renders engine like ENB, looking at an Iron Man inside the woods of Skyrim, would be certainly epic!! (not lorefriendly, but its Iron Man! who gives a s**t! ) but, creating an Iron Man armor probably is a lot hard, just think of all the details... EDIT: LOL... look at the price for the 3d model... http://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/625330?referral=AaronMorse i'm totally noob with CK, 3dsmax, etc but i could maybe in future try to build it up with nurbs but, in past i've seen others ppl tring to do such thing, time after the mod was closed, or account banned etc... WHY? someone know if there is like copyright problems if someone make (by own) a 3d drawing??
  3. thanks for answer J3X it should be done with maybe a specific set of arrows... like...three unique arrows that will have specific static ID, (maybe) i think... like some quest item... in the page you linked ( http://www.creationkit.com/OnPlayerBowShot_-_Actor ) there is the "akAmmo" parameter, the script will activate only if there is a bow's shoot, AND, the type of arrow used is the type (new/modded) of thoose 3 uniques arrow... in this way, maybe it will be possible! (i use often maybe because i know nothing about scripting and CK... neither where to start/learn by myself...) the script will "read" the arrow that is moving and then it give that speed and direction to the actor/player... (what is the script command to do something like this? ) and, my idea wasn't with TranslateToRef repeatedly... my idea was actually "throwing" the player/actor by script... :biggrin: i think it would be really funny, and maybe useful/tactic .... i'm imagining it :dance: i remember my good old times when i scripted a fully well working portal gun for RPGmakerXP...that was funny! (i also thougt it in skyrim, but its easy to understand that its really hard to do it, if not impossible, with the right graphics effect...) i really hope someone will try to build this up...
  4. :whistling: oh, and for the falling, to preventing death, the player would just shoot again the arrow at slowest speed/strenght while near to the ground, se he will almost stop the falling.... ( EDIT: this, IF the game phisic engine is incomplete.... if it is complete, to stop the fall the player, would shoot the arrow at the opposite direction with the same strenght of the start... i dont know here too... i've never shoot arrows while very fast moving to see how arrow's trajectory behaves... but still all of this is no use for now...) there are someone enough good in scripting to do this mod? i'm no good :sad:
  5. hi all! i reminded Tao Pai Pai from Dragonball series, in particular his way to travel (thanks Akira Toriyama for his hilarity :biggrin: ) here a screen: http://www.tecnolack.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Tao-pai-pai.png and a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1i2_RpkvsQ the best would be if someone actually do a fully mod working excatly like this, but it would be hard probably.... the easier way should be a mod like this: making a script that, when a specific type of arrow is shoot, after the shoot, the player gains the same speed and direction (momentum, vector, ecc) of the arrow, and just after the arrow come back in the inventory... if shoot slow the player will do a small jump, if at max charge, it will be a Tao Pai Pai ish travel.... :dance: its similiar to teleport arrows mod in the end, but i think it should be more funny, and maybe less problematic i'm totally noob in CK :sad: , but i think it shouldnt be too hard to make this mod... maybe the fast movement would overload the game engine with objects to load, or maybe in the game the player cant gain that speed (mybe istant death? i dont know) .... maybe it should be tested and fixed a little :sweat: :thumbsup:
  6. WHY?? i mean: all CBBE body and armors have meshes with textures OK (ingame and in nifskope) Then, if i open LB meshes with nifskope, the textures are load right!! and in the tree settings its visible that ladybody.dds textures is set.. so, WHY ingame those same meshes will load different textures???? sorry if i say the same thing again and again but it fells like i dont explain well the key of the problem solutions?
  7. bad for me that i'm totally noob in CK ... im using only nifskope, i'm asking if possible to editing with it... the mod in question is http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15416 >> my aim is to use CBBE for standard, AND the LB only as an wearable item (that will not use main armor slot, old question 2 ↑ ) >> and then if all going good i could wear over any modded LB armors without problems .... like: http://modgames.net/load/276-1-0-11759 i'll try to explain it again: all the files are in the right places in skyrim/data/etc CBBE meshes uses standard textures; LB (ladybody) meshes uses own LB textures; IF i load the meshes with nifskope, all the meshes are loaded good, without errors... (this ever, and in every cases) but ingame LB and LB clothes have skin textures all messed up, using standard textures instead LD.dds for unknown reasons (for me) :wallbash: ) if i use LB.esp the situation is inverted: ingame LB and LB clothes are ok, but ALL others meshes, mods or vanilla, have skin textures messed up (using LB.dds instead of standard textures) thanks for supporting me, and again sorry for bad english
  8. maybe adding a, second, parallel, ESM? 2nd voice searching .esm in google :whistling: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120217230503AAuw6kw
  9. nope. as i said the LadyBody use own textures like LadyBody.dds while CBBE still use standard textures (same sextures used by vanilla body) or at least, this is what i can see in nifskope!! in nifskope all nif meshes is loaded right with right textures; but for some reasons in game, the ladybody use again standard textures... its like only the LB.esp can resolve this bug, but if i use it after ALL CBBE things start to have the skin texture messed up, using ladybody.dds textures... paradox... :wallbash: so i'm here to ask how to manually change the textures used.... using the nifskope tool (P.S. in nifskope the ladybody.nif in its setting already use ladybody.dds , i really cant understand why in game it goes wrong! ... need some expert in matter if needed i can upload the files...) (and again, ideas for changing armors slots with nifskope? )
  10. hi again everybody i'm trying to use the Lady Body as an armor, while having CBBE as standard body, by simply renaming the .nif file and putting in in the right folder (now it is replacing an alternative version of falmer armor) all went good, but when in the game, the texture loaded is wrong, it is loading the skin texture standard, the one that is also used by CBBE, BUT ladybody have is own textures..... in nifskope the meshes is loaded with the right textures, but ingame it load wrong... :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: any ideas someone?? (if i use the ladybody esp it mess up the texture in the other way, if i still use CBBE meshes) also if possible, again with nifskope, i'm intrested to set some armours to a different slot,(i heard there are a lot non used and free) ... doing this i could wear 2 armors at once... like... thank everybody in advice!! and sry bad english :pinch:
  11. my gpu is a Sapphire HD 5850 along 4GB ram and a quad core cpu 2.4GHz usually i get 55fps with high settings with ultra and texture pack and like 50mods i go usually down to 30fps if i set a little better shadows and turn on ENB with SSAO only actived my fps goes to 19fps most of time IF i buy a second 5850 will i get visible benefits? (probably i wont get precise double fps with 2 cards, but how much?) crossfire is working good for skyrim? i need some suggestions
  12. I'm searching for guides to tweaking shadows too... its an hard argument... i'll try to help u here.. (sry bad english too) in My Documents\My Games\Skyrim there is the file Skyrim.ini ... open and edit it theese are my settings: fSunShadowUpdateTime=1.000 (this i the time needed for the shadow to move from a "step" to another, if u set 0.001 the shadow will move istantaneily when changing step) fSunUpdateThreshold=0.200 (this is the time between a step to another: if u set an high value like 200 maybe the shadow will move only few times during the day... if u set a low value like 0.01 the shadow will move a lot often, probably too much, you will feel like the enviroment is constantling moving or similar....) now in the file SkyrimPrefs.ini of the same folder there are some lines that can help u set the shadow quality, im still trying to learn about it but i can explain some: iShadowMapResolution=2048 iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048 iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=2048 theese three set the numbers of "dots" of shadows in the game.... the more you set and the more quality you will get... and also lower performance... easy.. (i dont know why but everybody set in the power of 2... btw use one of them: 512-1024-2048-4096-8192-etc , but 8192 is already high, try it if u have a good pc) iBlurDeferredShadowMask=0 blur effect for the dots above... 0 sharp shadows and 4 for a lot smooth shadows, but also less definited, just try it at the end of your testing fInteriorShadowDistance=3000.0000 (dont set this one, usually is always good as 3000 i've seen) fShadowDistance=7000.0000 Here is your point. the distance in exterior.... once u set the shadow map resolution, u defined the total dumbers of dots casted... if you set a short distance like 500 almost all dots will be near to the game camera so the shadows will looks awensome, but away you wont have any shadows; if you set a high distance like 8000 things like trees away 50 meters will cast a shadow, but you will spread your dots from camera to 50 meters, meaning bad definition in short distances fShadowBiasScale=0.1500 this one correct the striping effect in inclined surfaces: 0.5 is low and 0.15 is ultra settings i hope you can understand my english XD
  13. plz someone... any idea? mainly im searching for the usage of "iShadowSplitCount=" (i dont even know if its a good point for tweaking); and an easier way to reload ini.... its hard to try tweaking restarting the game EACH time i modify the .ini file
  14. I'm tring to tweak the .ini files to make shadows better, but im blocked by a lot of odd problems, and i want to know everything better before start by myself....(i hope im in the right section)(i hope im in the right section) maybe exists a link to a good detailed guide, but i cant find one good.... 1- in C:\Users\user\My Documents\My Games\Skyrim there are 2 ini files (Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini) and also in the root directory of the game there is a Skyrim.ini file; in each of theese 3 .ini files there are lines like iShadowMapResolution=2048 ... i want to ask: ...WHY? is one of the above the others? its just to know, but i could be easier if all in a single file... 2- the command usable ingame in the console: refreshini ... dont reload ALL ... I'm doing something wrong? for some changes i must restart the game to see the differences... 3- in SkyrimPrefs.ini there are 3 similar lines: iShadowMapResolution=2048 , iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048 and iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=2048 what each of them do different to the other 2? why 3 lines for shadow resolution? (i hope in a good explanation here) 4- going trough the web I've seen some others lines for shadow settings/tweakings and there are some that i cant understand at all: - iShadowMaskQuarter= - iShadowFilter= - iShadowSplitCount= - iShadowMode= - iShadowBiasScale= - iBlurDeferredShadowMask= (also here, I'm searching for a very good explanation here,... for now i dont even know if its better to increase or decrease the valors in some lines!) thanks in advance for every answer!! also the shortest one!
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