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  1. My first set was Raider Power Armour and its lamp was terrific. Not as good as the pipboy, but better than the other types of PA. Have a look to see if this works for you... I've got to the point now that I run Excavator armour melee build and pretty much just hit everything I see moving... Don't even need to look
  2. s#*!... I am currently "upgrading" to windows 10 to play this... And I feel horrible. Windows 7 is the greatest windows ever. I loved SOD and was devastated to see they made this a windows 10 exclusive... Windows 10 is not PC just so you know. On the mods? I'll play this and see what it needs. Though Custom characters are a must. What sort of mods do we think this game needs? I'll probably be looking at making the "normal" Zombies not able to run, but the plague zombies will... Completely changing homesites will also be modded. I have read that there is little to no room to play around without following a tried and true formula to success. Though, mods will most likely disable Online play, or if it does not, chances are anyone you play with would need the same mods. I can't wait to play this game...
  3. She isn't dead :wink: www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3wA9B8B-xc Refrozen straight away I'd say. But Shaun's notes say that they took here a few days before Nate, and did what they could for her.
  4. No replies cos no one knows? Pretty sure I have searched for everything I possibly could about the subject.. Something so seemingly simple shouldn't be this much of an issue!
  5. Hi again guys! Now I want to use Shaun's terminal to add an extra option that runs an activator. So I add Option 8 as "Subject 1" and have text regarding Shaun's knowledge of his mother. This appears on the terminal no problem. What I wanted was to add choices to this in the form of Reverse Cryostasis on Subject 1 Leave In the case of option 1, I have an activator (that you useually WALK through to activate) that I want to link to this option. Problem is, if I add any functions to it, it no longer appears on the terminal. Even adding the function to Getstage.MQ302 (trying to make the activation only available AFTER the main quest (Institutes side) removes the option from the terminal. Any help or ideas what I need to do to do this? I also toyed with the idea of the activator starting when Shaun (kid) gives you Father's holotape, or to activate when you listen to it.
  6. Hi guys, Been keen to do some stuff with the body of your spouse in Fallout 4. Namely, bury them. Or at least give them the respect they deserve or continue their story. So, they begin by being shot... but NOT killed. No blood, no bullet holes and then refrozen. So, my idea is to say the bullet grazed and didn't kill. The SYnthetic Love mod is great. But I'd like to alter the situation. Basically, making Nora appear after you have taken over (or destroyed) the institute. With Synth Shaun. But I also want the body to disappear from the vault after you discover her (making her the real Nora). Can anyone give me hints on how to do this? I have contacted the author of Synthetic Love (no reply yet) to see if he is happy for me to use his ground work. But I would really love to change her starting place to be Sanctuary AFTER the completion of the institute storyline (thus avoiding continuity errors). I am disappointed that Bethesda didn't include a more fleshed out quest for this. And I don't think enough emphasis was put on what you do with your wife\husband. Especially when you create Curie, you should be able to do the same with your wife... I mean, who cares about and Ageless 10 year old synth that never gets old? I would have much rathered the SURPRISE Father leaves you to be Nora, not synth Nora, but real Nora. With the headshot she receives merely giving her amnesia. I would also love to be able to bury Shaun, or at least create a memorial to him in the back of your house in Sanctuary. If anyone has any help to offer it would be great. I used the GECk for Skyrim and those, but never got huge into it because of the MESH bug.
  7. Now, I loathe that Nora (or Nate) just sits rotting away in their cryo chamber. Why is it that we can build 30 towns, and save countless people, but we cannot remove and bury our loved one mere metres from our home town? Is Nora thawed out and rotten? Or is she frozen? You would think that she would be thawed with the malfunction, but she still looks (and smells) fresh. Why would you leave her there? I have been looking for a mod that changes this. Does anyone have a mod that allows you to give Nora (or Nate) the goodbye she deserves?
  8. Following this joke too... I was seriously hoping that this wouldnt be an issue again... Having to press E to pick up things and swap to Enter for other thing is seriously annoying
  9. Any way of resetting the inventory? I have a blank space with a misc item icon at the top of my backpack that "eats" any item I pick up and also makes items appear in the second slot only.. IE, the top slot is an empty space that cant be equiped, or dropped and any item that i place up the top disappears but still takes up a backpack slot. Any other weapons appear only in the second slot, and you have to move them manually to see what else is in the second slot... Any ideas?
  10. Hi, Every file I download from the nexus gives me the above error... Us it a server problem? Is there an easy fix?
  11. Asked for help a bunch of times over the last few months... Got 0... From mod creators and on other forums alike... Anyone able to offer anything? Perhaps even how to alter the start position? I have really lost interest in Skyrim, and have not played since Mass Effect 3 came out... I would love to finish my mod... Alternate Life is not my cup of tea, and the Alternate Start manager seems good, though motivation is lacking for me to look at it :P
  12. Hi guys, I am creating an Alternate Start mod, though I am unsure exactly HOW to create it. I have the base where it begins, though I am unsure how to skip Helgen entirely (Though hopefully its possible for a beginning quest to send your PC to Helgen to see Alduin in action). Any help or directions to a Tutorial would be much appreciated. Thanks
  13. Thanks Commander, Nothing quite like thinking you have covered every angle only to be shot down... Right Tony??? And yes, that is a question... Anyway, thanks to both you guys, for your help. Oblivion animations being changed came along rather quick, and I honestly can't fathom how Bethesda DID NOT include H2H Animations that got better with your skill ala Oblivion... They may as well have left it out.
  14. no well.. thanks... for wasting my time... being a request thread, are any of the budding modders out there willing to have a crack?
  15. In regards to the Mercenary job.. A Great mod called Merc Combat Currency does the job for me!!! Its not perfect, but it is quite fun!!
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