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About koolaid_man

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  1. *curse words* Great, I've been planning to make a whole large worldspace for all of these, and future photography scenes to be a part of. Now, I learn that my heightmap editor crashes CS on this machine. I will get it done, I haven't given up... in fact I've spent the last four days trying to get everything set up again... 4 years of oblivion does not come back easy on a blank slate. For now though, it looks like boring, 3-6 cell stages with no parent world, since I can't reasonably make one.
  2. Apologies for being so late... Oblivion hasn't been cooperating with my new machine now that I've borrowed the disk from a friend. I don't know which speaks louder... the votes or people actually talking? I've started trying to coax some rooms out of my mesh making friends to design an interior for the Victorian mansion. It looks like as soon as I get it working it's off to a magical forest with me though. Se soon as sanity is restored I will come out with these places. For now, here's a phobucket link I have to the mansion in an early stage. http://s623.photobucket.com/albums/tt315/koolaiddude/Mods/?action=view&current=obscary3.jpg and one of the haunted city... which is more or less half way finished but abandoned as a project due to lack of meshes and animations to fulfill my vision. http://s623.photobucket.com/albums/tt315/koolaiddude/Mods/?action=view&current=ScreenShot105.jpg
  3. Hmm... seems like a job for a large size brush and the heightmap editor -.o I'm looking for something relatively small right now, just something to do until *ahem* Skooma Productions has more tasks for an environments guy. I can't find my Oblivion disk so I'm stealing one from a friend today, hopefully one of the categories comes through in a vote by then.
  4. Well I've seemed to have misplaced my memory stick... and my other memory stick... and all the other 4 memory sticks... and my external hard drive is at school so until next week I don't know when I'll have access to some sort of transfer. In the mean time, I can start setting up oblivion on my new machine and maybe crank out some from scratch... tl;dr - Not going to have them until next week. I can make some more. Any requests? Preferably small-ish areas, I normally try to collision box all of my scenery areas to prevent people getting lost in some weird world by falling off the edge, but if it's not needed and you don't blame me if you autosave in the abyss then I can save some time and hold off on the collision boxes. The one thing I loath is cluttering a house... I can do a room if it's absolutely necessary, but please don't ask for a house just for photography purposes...
  5. Well then, now I have motivation to hook up my old computer again and transfer all of my Oblivion stuff over. Do you know how borderline traumatic it is to rebuild Oblivion from vanilla after 4 years of modding?
  6. I've been making CS environments for a while now. Most of it has been for other mods of my colleagues that most of the time get dropped, and as a result I have about 4 unused smallish areas with doors leading to the market district for testing. These seem like they're going to waste just sitting there, so I was wondering if I should upload them as sort of a photography area. They serve little to no purpose gameplay wise or in functionality, but In my opinion they are beautiful places for you Oblivion photographers out there. If you like em', I can see myself making more themed areas. So far I have: Ayleid ruin fort in a redwood forest cove Foggy swamp with rotting docks and a dilapidated shack Pleasant castle garden with sitting areas and a water feature Haunted city alleys in an eternal night world with a graveyard A dark Victorian mansion on a seaside plateau at the edge of a tangled forest. I'll try and get some good pictures later. Once again these are mainly areas for posing and still photos, and serve no purpose other than that. Like I said these are areas that were made for mods but never came to fruition, if these mods resume progress in the future I will reserve the right to keep these uploaded as my own work even if they are used.
  7. This seems like a major... no that's an understatement... extremely massive undertaking. If you just wanted to recreate the world that would be relatively easy, yet very, very time consuming. Doing the towns and landmarks is a whole new thing all together, aside from Skingrad none of the vanilla stuff comes to mind when I think of Altdorf style structures. The sheer time it would take to make all of the new buildings and textures means this is a project that will take months, if not a year or more. New NPCs and scripting will make this a very very lengthy process and huge mod. Now that my rantings of doom and gloom are over... I think it's an awesome idea, I do environments in CS and doing the cities and specific areas would be my calling, I've often thought of just copying Warhammer Online's world just for fun. the thing is without the meshes done first, I have to work around a lot of holes. Also it's almost impossible to do large scale worlds without a map or concept. I've never done this myself, but if you can get a topographical map somehow I'm sure someone with the skill can paint it out on the heightmap editor and make that part fairly painless. I would be in for it, but only after you have assembled a team of 5 or more. I can only sit on my thumb until the maps and meshes are done, so having me on early is of little to no use. Overall good luck on this endeavor.
  8. Heh, whilst the average user of Nexus may be interested in nothing more than revealing clothing and nude body replacers, I assure you Talitha is purely a traveling companion. Her voice set as Imoen makes her the most likeable character I have run into, so I would recommend her even if Neko females are not part of your "fetishes".
  9. If you don't have the Talitha CM companion, you should. But that's not enough, you must also have css (companion sound sets) and use the voice of Imoen on her. Semi-related: Fanart drawn by Aramiee, Talitha and the Ainmhi race are credited to their authors, along with the Shadow Armor and Mystic Elf race. Maron is my original character and belongs to me. Now, rate it 1-10. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/270/6/9/maron_talitha_by_aramiee-d2zlhqp.png Reference pics of Talitha and Maron in game.
  10. I don't think Jyggalag has mush of a beef with Sheogorath,
  11. Working on the City of Vaermina.
  12. I'm trying to work on a quite extensive mod at the moment, and rather than spend 3/4 of the time looking through the static item list, is there a website with a searchable database of static items, along with the editor ID?
  13. is drinkning monster.
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