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  1. I solved the regen problem; AbWerewolf contains a 100% heal rate debuff, that has to be removed before they can regenerate at all. I still can't get them to Howl or Shout, though. Draugr can shout, so why won't the werewolves do it? :wallbash:
  2. I'm trying to make a werewolf mod. This is modding help I'm asking for here.
  3. I'm trying to get enemy werewolves to use the howl powers call of the wild and summon wolves. I've added the shouts to their spell list, enabled their equipping voice and spell, but nothing seems to work. They just run up and melee, and never do anything else, even if they can't reach me. I'm also trying to give them some proper werewolfy damage regen, but that's not working either. I set their racial health regen rate to 5, and added a fortify combat heal effect (same one used for Trolls) to all of the crWerewolfUnarmedDamage abilities, but they still don't regenerate at all.
  4. Thanks StayFrosty05, I'll give that one a try! Here's the link I just found: link
  5. I'm looking for two kinds of mod which don't seem to exist...: Something to add a few new, well thought out enemies to the vanilla game areas: like Werewolves of Skyrim and Dwemer Spectres, but NOT like SkyMoMo. A mod which adds Oblivion-style spell making into the game, without making a whole new complex magic system. Do they exist...?
  6. Weird, surely I can't be the only one to want a mod like this...! If I had the free time to learn the modding tools, it would be the first thing I'd try and do. @Korentin that's also what I thought about the Monster Mod. If all those monsters were available as separate mods, I'd be happy, but I sure don't want all of them, or even half of them. I've already got Moonpath (most of the best mods are also available through the workshop, including that one). It doesn't add new enemies to the main game areas though, which is what I'm after.
  7. Over the top. Spiders the size of Whiterun, titanic horkers in the northern seas, that kind of thing, which seem to be featured in a number of mods made by people bored with their godlike level 80 characters. Also, mods like Skyrim Monster Mod which throw in every single idea and resource that the author could get their hands on, regardless of whether it's a good idea.
  8. Here's another. I would have posted these all at once, but I didn't think of them all at once. A dragon attacks while I'm in Windhelm for the first time; right during the opening script of the two racist thugs menacing the dark elf lady. The first I know of the dragon is when she breaks off the conversation by pulling out a bow, yelling a battle cry, and running off to the side. The two thugs just stood there dumbly, and were still stood there even after the whole event. So this dragon proves to be a PITA to take down, because there's nowhere in Windhelm for it to land except the courtyard of the palace. After a lot of perching on rooftops it eventually does land there, when it's nearly dead already. Myself and a nearby guard finish it off, and it dies right by the body of a stable-hand which it had managed to kill just previously. As I'm slurping the soul from its mighty bones, the guard who helped my administer the last few blows to the dragon kneels down by the corpse of the stable-hand and says "What happened here...?" ...Duh. :laugh: The stable-hand had some surprisingly good loot on her too.
  9. I have another Skyrim story, though this one isn't quite as heartrending. The first time I met a Dragon Priest was Volsung, when my sorceress was about level 13. It was very much a case of climb mountain, see word wall, smirk about skipping dungeon... get nasty surprise. Luckily, I had Barbas the Daedric Wonder Dog with me. Between him and the mighty Berserker Rage, we took that mother down :laugh:
  10. Hi folks. I need some new enemies in my Skyrim, but the Skyrim Monster Mod is way OTT for me (plus it's not available in the Workshop). After hours of searching, I've only found 2 which look like what I want: Werewolves of Skyrim and Dwemer Spectres. Is that all there is? Did all the modders just see Skyrim Monster Mod and give up...? :(
  11. That dragon on the gate is quality :) Dragonsreach, eat your heart out!
  12. Ah, a thread after my own heart :) This happened to me the other day. On a quest to remove a dangerous animal from a house in Shor's Stone (seriously, how do they get in there...?!) I met Sylgja, who my character took an instant liking to. I cleared the spiders out of her local mine, then took some letters to her parents and back. I started toying with the idea of having my character marry this lass. The next couple of times I was adventuring in the area, I dropped by to say hi. Then, one day as I was passing Shor's Stone, Sylgja wasn't by the smelter. "She's probably in the mine," I thought, and headed in there... To a scene of horror. The spiders were back, much bigger this time, and they were attacking the miners, who fought back with admirable (though foolhardy) bravery. I grabbed my bow and started to snipe the foul beasts, and as the miners fell one by one, I thought "Where is she? Where is she?" Then I saw her, running across the mine to take on the last surviving spider, which I had nearly killed, but which had ducked out of my line of sight just before I could administer the final arrow. I jumped off the bridge down to the path below and shot the beast... Just too late to save her from its killing blow. Now everything in the mine was dead but for me. Slightly numbed, I stood over her body for a few seconds, actually grieving. Grieving for a little AI script in a frivolous video game. Then I thought "Wow. This game made me feel this." and stood there for a few more seconds marvelling at that. Then I looted her corpse. It's Skyrim, after all.
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