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  1. Basically what the title says, when I try to install and run wrye bash my comp tells me it will not run on this computer
  2. Hey all, I always wondered who was the guy that went around building and placing doors on all the caves! That's a hell of a job, it is kinda immersion breaking and not really a problem but it would be cool if I could enter caves similar to Skyrim. Just walk into it and voila! Thanks for reading.
  3. Awesome, yeah if you could send me or direct me to a step by step tutorial that would be great! I want the armours to be in leveled lists though, so that NPCs could be wearing them and they show up as loot. would that be possible? I have wyre bash, is a bashed patch the same as using the gecko program you suggested?
  4. By immersive I mean armours that feel like they belong in the game or are at least lore friendly. Have you played skyrim? there is an Immersive armours mod which has tons of really neat and interesting armours. Something along those lines is what I am hoping for, I just don't want Anime armours or skimpy armours but just some cool badass armours. I see plenty of individual armour mods that look great but I don't want to have so many single armour mod plugins.
  5. Hey, I was wondering if someone could make an immersive armours mod for oblivion. Or a compilation of multiple armour mods?
  6. Awesome! Well I am looking forward to it when its done!
  7. Hey I thought maybe beavers in the game would make sense, and loons and geese and such, there is moose and elk and deer and bears and wolves which is a lot like Canada, beavers would be a good addition. maybe an animal pack or something.
  8. When you install wyre bash (skyrim) it looks at all your mods and then you can build a batched patch which combines a bunch of your mods together, like if you have multiple armour mods and creatures mods that may conflict, this patch makes them all one plugin which really helps stabilize your game
  9. Nexus mod manager automatically tells you which mods have new updates
  10. I found that island fast travel seemed to cause ctds for me, I'm not sure what the problem is then. are all your mods up to date? cause that can be an issue. Oh and your skse up to date!
  11. Yeah a fresh install would do it, I think the main problem is not having a bashed patch, I used to not us one and I had so many ctds but now it never happens and I can have way more mods
  12. its not like you have to save it when you turn off your plugins, my skyrim has over 100 mods and runs with no problems. Yeah maybe you should just stick to morrowind, its simpler.
  13. clean your update esm? And also clean the unrecognized ones. and make sure to rebuild you bashed patch whenever you get a new or update and old mod. Otherwise you load order looks fine to me.
  14. Just turn off all plugins and see if it works, then turn the plugins back on a few at a time to see witch one is the problem. Also try turning off antianialising
  15. Hey, so do you have wyre bash? and tes5edit? is it the helgan reborn mod you have? I have that mod and live another life and immersive armours. the immersive armours might need cleaning and a bashed patch. with the helgan thing, make sure you go to helgan before you start the helgan reborn mod. and kill the bandits as well as wait for alduin to fly by which is a part of the live another life mod. the cleaning and bashed patch should help with ctds and use BOSS as well. Also get rid of all mods from steam and just use nexus, it makes things easier.
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