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  1. I remember that there was a mod that allowed me to get the mods that weapons had when I scrapped them, but I can't seem to find it now.. Any clue? Thanks!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq-LyzUI3o8 Sorry for the length of the video, that's the best I can do with what I have, no idea why. But at least the bug it's visible. (If not, see how the reflections in the water disappear as I move the camera) Any idea how to fix this? I've tried disabling the depth for the water, using mods, low antialiasing, no idea what else to try maybe someone else figured it out. Thanks
  3. Well that's really cool, it'll take some time but the developers took their time too to make these mods. Thank you guys.
  4. It's just an idea, and maybe it can already be done and I didn't know about it.. But wouldn't it be cool to have some endorsing option in NMM? Because there's a lot of mods that I'd like to endorse but going through them all on the nexus, can take a while, a good while. When just (for example) right clicking on it on the list of NMM and endorsing it, would be a lot easier, for those of us who use a lot of mods. Thanks and forgive my heresy if this has already been posted.
  5. Well mate couldn't have asked for more, thank you.
  6. Is it possible with NMM to make some sort of backup of my installed mods? My PC is seriously in need of a format, and I really wouldn't like to redownload again every single mod. Not because I'm lazy (bah, not only because I'm lazy), but also because I don't fully remember every single mod I have, and somehow managed to have a good balance between performance, quality, and immersion. Hope you guys can help me, thanks. PS: If this has already been posted/asked/answered then forgive my heresy, I shall exile myself to the mountains and therefore live as a goat..
  7. As the title says, I don't really know how, but after giving Jordis a new shield (ironically she isnt wearing it on the pics) I managed somehow to make jordis keep the bow on the back with the arrows and meanwhile wear a sword. http://s7.postimage.org/8zhzw0i47/Screen_Shot64.png http://s7.postimage.org/m4xi24bzr/Screen_Shot65.png What does this have to do with modding? I'm wondering if its because of a mod or if it can be done. Thanks! Edit: For those of you who might wonder, yes, I've edited Jordis appeal.
  8. I have no mods activated at the moment and it persist, now I've noticed that fireball does the same. Its like if they were programmed to affect physics on impact. Thanks for the responses.
  9. no one? please its been a while. Neither mods were the problem, I deactivated both.
  10. Hi, to be honest I don't know which mod causes this, it could be either Duel Combat Realism or WiS IV Realistic Fighting. What's the problem that I have with Ice Spike? Every freaking time I got hit by it, my character flies miles away, with no possibility of recovering back. I just have to wait a few seconds until the ragdoll decides to stop flying. Yes, its truly annoying. And lately I'm facing a lot of ice mages, which makes it even worse. Has someone had this problem and fixed it? I would be much obliged.
  11. well that's my problem, i cant see anything but my guantlets when shield bashing, any known solution to this?
  12. thanks!! it works like charm :) another question if i may.. why when i attack with shield bash (using unnessesary violence mod) it changes to 3rd person camera? srry i know i should make another thread but to use less space i ask this here.
  13. hi there, im not posting this in the Detective's thread cuz i dont really know if there is a mod like this. i really need to know if there is some way to cancel a shot when aiming with my bow, its annoying to waste arrows when you lost your target. (although i know that you can shoot to the floor, but sometimes you lost the arrow anyway) thanks!
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