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Everything posted by Iver1988

  1. Fallout 76 - Interface.ba2 or Fallout 76 esm file. You need xTranslator.
  2. Nope. Decompile other mods and learn...
  3. Dude, it's online game. Not single player. So when someone edit mesh or texture, this changes will be across whole game. Not just for Red Rocket.
  4. Item naming will be in next update
  5. Just use bright light mod for power armor helmet.
  6. Any idea how to replace terminal font? I need full utf-8 font with czech characters in my localization. Or can someone help me? Problem is with terminal fonts only. I edited rest of fonts properly and it works.
  7. I would like to see nude body mod and some sexy paintings on wall, working DDS import in baka tool, realistic sounds for power armor (creak, stamping), girl bubbleheads, fallout boy retextured as sexy girl...
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