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  1. A cigar/cigarett armor piece would be funny. It looks like the pc is constantly having an cigar/cigarett in his mouth. Shouldn't be that complicated
  2. In my opinion there are two ways to do this. First, a button to convert the weapon into the mods it's made of. The negative side of it, you lose a weapon, because you can't combine mods into 2 one functional weapon yet (I don't know how difficult this would be). This shouldn't be that hard but I think it's not possible yet. Second some sort of "unfinished" weapon state. Imagine a "none" option like the gun muzzle for every modding slot exept the receiver make it the important key part with the weapon id . If any vital slot (like grip, or magazin) is missing, the weapon is "unfinished" and can't be equiped. I have know idea if, or how you can make something like this work, but I suppose it's not possibel until the G.E.C.K release. Some mod I found to take the good mods without having to craft the standarts to replace them. It removes the "cost" to build them. Maybe it's good for now http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2073/?
  3. Sounds great. You would have to divide melee weapons in some sort of "side" and "main" category. Maybe only fast weapons below a certain weight. If that's the coded parameter, I think it would work with any moded weapon added in the future. But you should tweak the bayonet to be balanced.
  4. Same problem here. Would it be possible (legal) to create a TES5 edit 3.1.3 torrent and share it?
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