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Everything posted by ista3

  1. Trending image tab is broken, will this be fixed?
  2. Video posted today 1/10/2023 here I was told that this problem had been fixed.
  3. Hello, the above issue is still not fixed even after the notification maintenance recent downtime .
  4. Hi When I get notifications regarding video uploads all of them work fine apart from the videos posted by the member OldAndMod, I've been following them for quite sometime now but all of a sudden in the past week or so when I click on the notification I get the message in an orange box saying ''video not found'' .. if I go to their profile / videos I can see and watch them, so I'm not sure what's happening since, like I said all other video upload notifications from other members work fine, I have contacted them but they don't know why either. Just yesterday I recieved another video notification from the same member OldAndMod called SKYRIM Special Edition 4K - Episode 67 Chasing Echoes When I clicked on the notification instead of getting the ''video not found'' message, that I've been getting, I got directed tothis video . this is the link to the correct video here This is a link to one of the posted videos where I get the ''video not found message'' here Thanks for any info on the problem.
  5. Hi guys I wonder if you can help me find a mod that I used to have but I deleted it by accident :( I can't remember the name of the mod but here's a description of it.... when you start a new game you are outside of a big double gate which is on the boundary below Helgen ''as you look at the world map'' also to your right there's a cave called Southfringe Sanctum... when the new game loads your straight at the Char menu, you are equipped with iron armour and an axe and a few potions etc... after your done with your Char you are immediately given THREE options join the Stormcloaks or the Imperials or Just visit the country / world. if you choose to 'just visit the country / world you get no initial quests etc... you can then fast travel 'if you want' to Helgen and so begin your game. btw Helgen is the only place 'highlighted' on the map .. hence being able to fast travel there. I would also mention that I have checked 'Unbound and Alternate starts etc none of them give you the option to 'just visit the country / world' and can't find the mod I'm looking for :/ thanks for any help you guys can give me.
  6. Thanks for your reply IsharaMeradin but the Mod I'm looking for allows you also to choose to ''visit the country'' meaning you don't have to choose sides.. thanks again.
  7. Hi guys I wonder if anyone can help me, I'm looking for a mod 'that I used to have but can't find it' all I can do is describe the mod to you.. with this mod you started the game outside a big gate ''on the world map the start point was below helgen as you look at the map, the mod allowed you to choose which side you wanted stormcloaks or imperial but it also allowed you the option to 'just visit the country ... thanks for any help guys.
  8. Hi vlaka this is a list of my mods you asked for ... these were activated in game when my Lag problems started... all these mobs are now deactivated and I can't remember the load order :( thanks for your help and reply. Nightingale Bow RaceMenu - RaceMenu v2-0-4 A Quality World Map no snow on roof Better Females by Bella - Less Make up Version 2 Better Females by Bella The Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests - Improved Dialogue Options - The Choice is Yours - Dawnguard ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer - ShowRaceMenu PreCacheKiller 1_3 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Realistic Lighting Overhaul Update 4_0_8_02 numenume erosbody for CBBE HighRes 4K CBBE Nude Female Re-Texture Mod Coveryes - eyes 1 CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly Mod CBBEv3M Body Repalacer - CBBEv3M Body Replacer CBBE skin texture V2 V3 plus Thepal and UNP compatible CBBE Female Textures Replacer Installer Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE- Bodyslide CB Plus Plus - Main ApachiiSkyHair and Beard Retexture - ApachiiSkyHair Retexture Wild Look RaceCompatibility with fixes Lanterns 1.5 Better Circlets HQ V1o1 - Better Circlets HQ 2K V1o1 The Eyes Of Beauty - The Eyes Of Beauty PLAYER Unleashed Sexy cute female nord preset - Sexy cute female nord preset Seductive Lips HD - Seductive Lips HD Ponytail Hairstyles v2_5 - Ponytail Hairstyles v2_5 Joseph Anthonys Lip Gloss for Lunari - Joseph Anthonys Lip Gloss for Lunari Hair packs of TES IV Oblivion for Female Only - OblHairFinalAllinOne Fine Hair HQ - Fine Hair HQ Children of Skyrim - New Nord Presets and MORE - by FastestDog - FULLY SEVENBASE UNPB CBBE ECE CHARGEN COMPATIBLE - Uthgerd the Unbroken - Custom Follower Overhaul by FastestDog - 1_9_1 Update Children of Skyrim - New Nord Presets and MORE - by FastestDog - Children of Skyrim - NORD PRESETS 11-20 - by FastestDog CharGen Extension - CharGen Morphs v2-1-4 CharGen Extension - CharGen CustomRaces Morphs v2-1-4 CharGen Extension - CharGen Core v2-1-4 Brows - Ningheim Addon Brows - High Resolution Bretonnia - New Breton Presets and MORE - by FastestDog - FULLY SEVENBASE UNPB CBBE ECE CHARGEN COMPATIBLE - Bretonnia - BRETON PRESETS 1-10 by FastestDog - v2_0 Better Makeup for SKSE - High Res EEO Tintmask-Warpaint fitted for Mature skin by maevan2 -less intense- Battle Hardened Warpaints - -STANDALONE- High Res Battle Hardened Warpaints Sets 1-4 ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_3 ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_5_Full Move it Dammit for NPC Companions and Followers - Move_it - Less Wait Time UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul Compatibility Version UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - AllwaysDrawWeapons Follower Calypso - CalypsoDotEight Shortcuts - Secret Entrances For All Cities Plus Thieves Guild - Shortcuts EyesNifFix - EyesNifFix 1_0 Travel Attire SevenBase Eisen Platte - SevenPlatte gattiizz armour Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide and BBP elvensinper Victorias High Heel walk Animation plus BBP - VHH walk v1-3b LX - NMM installer Pretty Sit Idle NMM Installer_v1.3 Feminine Females - Feminine Females Main file and Installer Female Facial Animation - Female Facial Animation 1_4 Horse Armors for Skyrim - Horse Armors v1_5 v2-5 BreezehomeTNF - Hearthfire - BHTNFver2-5 Travelers haven - Bathing Beauties or Beefcake - Luxury Suite - Bathing Beauties Luxury Suite 5-1 A Classier BB Luxury Suite - A Classier BB Luxury Suite V5-2 Full 2k Res
  9. Hi guys I'm back with the same old problem :( everything I said about updating the drivers was true 'inc re-installing my mods' the game ran smooth as silk... But then I shut down my lappy ''after 4hrs of smooth game play'' and the next day fired it up and everything seemed 'normal on load up, once steam 'did its update and verify etc .. I then went and launched skyrim and YES the Lag was back as horrid as ever! so now I'm back to square one :/ help SOS help if you can pleeeeese :/
  10. Thanks guys for all your help and suggestions :) fixed the problem I had by simply up-dating my drivers 'I know I'm a dumb ass blonde' half true cause I am a female but not blonde :p oh and to answer a few Q's .. Alien Autopsy? don't know what that is :/ and yes it gets 'hot' when playing :/ windows EX is 7.1 :) and I don't know how to change the video card settings >.< all I know is I'm now playing on 'ultra settings :) so once again guys thanks for all the hints and tips...''I shall remember in future, now to re-install my 100 or so mods :)
  11. Hi yes I did scan my HD and also did a defrag, will I be able to clean the dust off the gpu and cpu heatsink bearing in mind that's its a laptop? I've just re-installed skyrim from steam and the game is now back to vanilla my laptop selected medium quality ''in the past it always chose Ultra'' so then I went ahead and launched the game and I'm only getting between 12 and 20 fps >.< thanks for anymore info you can give me.
  12. Thanks guy's I tried all your suggestions and still no joy :/ I also deleted all the mods and deleted all the 'unwanted files etc from the data folders thinking it would revert back to the vanilla game.. loaded the game and changed the settings to Low, started a New game from scratch... and yes it still Lags :/ atm I'm re-downloading the game from steam and will see what happens... I'm at a loss because the game has been running smooth on 'ultra settings for over 6 months with 100 or so mods installed until a few weeks back then the Lagging started in game at first then when I re-installed the game everything would be fine except when I quit the game then re-started it would launch with the Lagging problem.. my last play through was fine I had over 20 hours of play. then I did a clean save and the next day went to load up that save bang! serious Lagging :/ thanks again for giving me feedback. one last Q: does anyone think it could be my graphics card or processor etc?
  13. Hi could anyone help me with this problem, skyrim plays ok but every now and then after doing a new save when I try and pick up where I left off the game loads but has serious Lag problems, I've re-installed skyrim several times and all goes well for 10-20 hours of game play then after saving the game I get this Lag problem again, this has happened 3-4 times in the last 2 weeks, I've been playing the game since last august with several Mods and until recently it was working fine, when I verify the game cache in steam it says 1 file failed to validate and is required... I have an Alienware M17xr3 Laptop ''and use an Xbox controller''with these specs... Intel ® core TM i7-2760 QM CPU @ 240GHZ 240GHZ Ram 8GB 64Bit OS ... Thanks for any help that you can give me. sorry if this has been asked before..
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