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About ItsInfernal

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  1. Thanks for the help chooms For the others who have this problem and don't want to translate the other langurage used in this topic, the mod setting mod need to be uninstalled and then delete the file located at Cyberpunk 2077\red4ext\plugins or use vortex and purge your mods instead (which will delete the mod setting plugin file).
  2. Hey Chooms, for some reason whenever I run Cyberpunk 2077 it closes immediately but when I start it I don't recieve any errors and after it closes I don't get a crash report or anything (it just closes like it would if you pressed quit). It works with the mods disabled so I was just wondering if anyone knows which mod is doing this before I have to go through all my mods to figure it out.
  3. Hey chooms, whenever I try to run 2.02 with mods I get this error. default control path does not return a value: cyberpunk\UI\mappins\minimapMappins.script:618ScriptCompiler: ERROR: 'achievementRecord' is not a member of '&ref<AddAchievementRequest>'ERROR: Script compilation has failed! I have checked all the mods and it doesn't work no matter which ones I disable and remove. Anyone know how to resolve this.
  4. Hi, I have a bunch of mods installed and one of them is making my characters hair fall out because of radiation but I don't know which one it is, when I go to get a new haircut it just goes back to bald immediately, with a message telling me its because of radiation but I have no rads. Can someone please tell me which mod it is and either how to disable this function or the mod entirely or tell me how to find out which mod it is. It shouldn't be an obscure mod or anything since any mods I have installed are all in the first 5 pages of the popular mods.
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