Howdy Gamestars, 'sup? Hope everyone had a kickin' Thanksgiving...!? There are two items I'd like to ask about folks, if I may? 1) There used to be a fun mod around that allowed you to equip yourself with Star Wars Stormtrooper armour and weapons. The mod for the Star Wars Battlefield Sound FX for FONV is still up at Nexus but I can't locate the armour/weapons mod anymore - does anyone know where it went to, or, can we bring it back/ have it re-done by some kind soul in mod-land? and 2) There is currently a mod available for a "James T. Kirk" character preset at Nexus. I wonder, could we have a mod (created by some kind soul) that creates a range of Star Trek characters that could be playable in place of Courier 6 with the others available as "Companions"? I think it would be a lot of fun to re-create a Star Trek "landing party" that could appear in the Mojave and really mess with the Prime Directive. I was considering characters including James T. Kirk (incorporating charisma and speech presets - already available as a NPC I believe) that could be made a preset to take the place of the courier. Mr. Spock (utilising physical aspects of the "Elven Mods" and incorporating science skills presets) Dr. McCoy (medicine skills presets) Lieutenant Sulu (weapons skills presets) Ensign Chekov (science skills and small weapons presets) Engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (repair and engineering/ jury rigging presets) Lieutenant Uhura (communications, barter and speech presets) and, perhaps, Nurse Christine Chapel (utilising medicine skills presets) The voice acting would, I realise, be something of a challenge and although the mod, in its entirety may not please the purists I think that a whole set of side-quests could be opened up for the "Landing Party" to get involved/get into trouble with. I think that the Uniforms/clothing aspect would be fairly easy by utilising the basic meshes from the "Merc Grunt" outfit, with a little less volume in the pants and full sleeves added to the tank-top. The ladies uniforms could be based on the "Merc Charmer" dress which would suit the "fit" aspect and with a little patching on the stockings would represent, very well, the normal wear of the ladies aboard the USS Enterprise in the original Star Trek series. Since I am "old skool" I envision the uniforms from the original but I would hazard a guess that it wouldn't be long before we ended up with Picard, Ryker, Troi, Seven of Nine, Janeway et al. Anyway, just ponderin'... thought I'd ask the questions... Cheers, T