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Posts posted by vosspacer

  1. Hello fellow gamers of Oblivion, not sure how many people still play but if anyone here has a familiarity of how the game worked like 10 years ago without crashing to desktop constantly and if they enjoyed A world PVE type setting with creatures fighting guards and having more than 1 follower maybe you could be of some help to me.

    I just want start fresh because all the mods I have right now are just unstable and possibly not clean. My game is constantly crashing to desktop.


    5 things I want out of Oblivion (looking for clean and stable mods)

    1. Essentially I want to see more than 1 or 2 people walking around in a city, that are ordinary citizens. During the day and night. (Crowded Cities Cyrodiil.esp,Crowded Imperial City.esp,Crowded Cities 15.esp,Crowded Cities 30.esp - is that too many populated city mods ?)

    2. Would like followers of about 4 or 5 if possible at the same time to help me smash people and the guards in the city. The most I had following me at once were 3-4. During a Kvatch Quest I got Jauffre and Martin assisting me with one of the Commanders that eventually gave me his Kvatch Cuirass. I also had my female follower at the time who was healing me. The Guards that were with Martin at the time shouted Murder during the quest and began attacking each other and usually one of them would be killed, then I watched Jauffre slay Martin multiple times after I reloaded the save to see if it would stop but every time without fail Jauffre kept slaughtering Martin.

    3. I use to Aggro and Drag Creatures (IE skeletons) into Cities back like 10 years ago and watch the guards respond and assist me or start attacking each other. (apparently kuerteeWanderingEncounters.esp tries to do that, where creatures will follow you into cities) and Open Cities apparently self-explanatory removes loading screens and allows anything to pass through City Gates. Now I'm not 100% sure, but if I remember correctly I think I could drag creatures from inside a dungeon to outside and have them follow me to a city as well. It's been so long lol.

    4. I would like to see people in cities commit crimes and watch guards attack them. (there was a mod that could have npc's pick locks for you - thought that was very interesting and would have liked to watch that take place and see what the guard would do, unfortunately the mod was severely glitched and would not allow me to play the game after a message on screen mentioned something about a key and after pressing ok it would not go away and allow you to proceed)
    5. CM Partners is messed up, especially CM Lara which shows her crew as all headless people with purple hands and then eventually the city of Bravil turned purple and there were many floating objects everywhere.

    But ya that is my main objective for playing. Not really interested in main story unless I can have more followers to sabotage cities with.

    thank you and kind regards,

  2. First thing you need to do is to get rid of OBMM and start using Wrye Bash, because having a loadorder like that requires both BOSS or LOOT and Wrye Bash. Of course TES4Edit is also needed.


    You also need to run TES4LODGen every time you either install or uninstall a mod and running TES4LODGen can sometimes solve an issue, especially landscape (floating objects/rocks) issues.



    Most people do this when installing/uninstalling mods.


    1. Sort your loadorder in BOSS or LOOT

    2. Clean mods in TES4Edit and correct any error in the log file if there are any error

    3. Rebuild the bashed patch in Wrye Bash

    4. Run TES4LODGen every time when a mod is either added or removed


    Here is a guide for Wrye Bash and it explains the basic features in Wrye Bash.

    Ok, I just need to get that TES4LODGen and I think I'm good.


    All I want really is a few mods not the all of of them in that list.


    1. Essentially I want to see more than 1 or 2 people walking around in a city, that are ordinary citizens. During the day and night. (Crowded Cities Cyrodiil.esp,Crowded Imperial City.esp,Crowded Cities 15.esp,Crowded Cities 30.esp - is that too many populated city mods ?)

    2. Would like followers of about 4 or 5 if possible at the same time to help me smash people and the guards in the city. The most I had following me at once were 3-4. During a Kvatch Quest I got Jauffre and Martin assisting me with one of the Commanders that eventually gave me his Kvatch Cuirass. I also had my female follower at the time who was healing me. The Guards that were with Martin at the time shouted Murder during the quest and began attacking each other and then I watched Jauffre slay Martin multiple times after I reloaded the save to see if it would stop but every time without fail Jauffre kept slaughtering Martin.

    3. I use to Aggro and Drag Creatures (IE skeletons) into Cities back like 10 years ago and watch the guards respond and assist me or start attacking each other. (apparently kuerteeWanderingEncounters.esp tries to do that, where creatures will follow you into cities) and Open Cities apparently self-explanatory removes loading screens and allows anything to pass through City Gates. Now I'm not 100% sure, but if I remember correctly I think I could drag creatures from inside a dungeon to outside and have them follow me to a city as well. It's been so long lol.


    4. I would like to see people in cities commit crimes and watch guards attack them. (there was a mod that could have npc's pick locks for you - thought that was very interesting and would have liked to watch that take place and see what the guard would do, unfortunately the mod was severely glitched and would not allow me to play the game after a message on screen mentioned something about a key and after pressing ok it would not go away and allow you to proceed)

    5. CM Partners is messed up, especially CM Lara which shows her crew as all headless people with purple hands and then eventually the city of Bravil turned purple and there were many floating objects everywhere.


    But ya that is my main objective for playing. Not really interested in main story unless I can have more followers to sabotage cities with.


  3. Oblivion Constant Crash to Desktop Occurrence

    Oblivion will crash every time I go from one district to another in the Imperial City during the loading screen. If I enter or leave a shop or the Inn (during loading screen). Essentially at every loading screen the game will crash to d except for dungeons. I decided to post after having experienced a crash to desktop while running through the Imperial city.


    Tried to follow advice from a steam thread on the subject of game crashing during loading screens and it made the situation worse.

    After Uninstalling MoreHeap and let Oblivion Stutter Remover (OSR) handle everything Heap related. I Downloaded OSR optional files ComponentDLLs in order to use 8 (tcmalloc) heap algorithm. See https://www.reddit.com/r/oblivion/comments/7v2rfw/pueojits_oblivion_modding_guide_a_focus_on/
    A side note: you must copy all DLL files into the folder. It's all or nothing. If you just copy tcmalloc DLL file the game will fail to launch/CTD.

    Get Oblivion Stutter Remover Sound Fix: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/47439

    I Used NVAC's optional file DisableProcessWindowsGhosting v2 together w/ NVAC.

    New Vegas Anti Crash has been installed previously.

    I'm thinking I have alot of INI files that contain improper values

    DLL files could be corrupt as well ?


    I try to use Wrye Bash to Uninstall Mods

    Here is my load order according to OBMM


    Open Cities Resources.esm
    CM Partners.esm
    FOMO Main.esp
    Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
    Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp
    Crowded Cities 15.esp
    Crowded Cities 30.esp
    Mondstein - female Companion.esp
    BetterInns + NewHomeOwners.esp
    Open Cities New Sheoth.esp
    Open Cities Bartholm.esp
    Open Cities Outer Districts.esp
    Open Cities Reborn.esp
    Better Dungeons.esp
    Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp
    CM Partners.esp
    Bashed Patch, 0.esp
    Crowded Cities Cyrodiil.esp
    Crowded Imperial City.esp
    Better Guards v1.0.esp
    Dynamic Oblivion Combat.esp
    Lycan Followers ESO.esp


    Running out of Ideas..

  4. After I enabled Companion Share & Recruit 3.27, it ask me to:

    "please hold the key you wish to use for giving orders and click ok"


    It doesn't matter what key I press, the L-shift to run/walk no longer functions after this step. I am using the latest version of OBSE. Any way to fix this?

    Having same problem, this message pops up after I load a saved game and I hit ok and it pops up again and hit ok and again and again.

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