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About Minuteman308

  1. Watch , thats all i have to say. Vote for the lesser of two evil, buy the lesser of two evil, marriage the lesser of two evil, get enslaved by the lesser of two evil.... Are these full grown adults i'am talking with? Bye, bye, Moveing (previously banned member). -LM
  2. Thanks for the occupy talking point. The "1% rich"(God i hate this bolschewik talk) all have foundations just as the rockefeller or bill&milinda gates foundation. They are tax exempt anyway. And they are laughing about this commie talk, because they run it. Sorry, i don't waste anymore time on discussions whit you. You have obviously no idea whats going on but feeling smart kopie&paste Leftwing Talking points. Sit back and enjoy, america will soon become a Peoples Republic.
  3. The Democrate Party is a bunch of criminals working for the Chinese openly since Clinton and you don't get that. Instead you bore me with this "But the Republicans" Stuff. Yeah, Republicans are also criminals, but they where not my point. You are a 100% Product by the leftwing education system. Who buys the expensive cars? Who buys boats, houses, luxury? The evil rich are the ones creating jobs, not the wellfare moms and "Obamas gona pay by bills"-Sheeple. And i don't like taxes at all. The income taxs is not mentioned in the constitution at all. So the tax rates for income don't bore me. Edit: Okay a question for all of you: Who ever got a job from a poor man? A paid job ofcourse. And who thinks which people will this taxrates affect the most? Evil CEOs and Bankers who get bailout anyway or you local free enterprise?
  4. Don't bore me with this "But the republicans" stuff. I don't care about his Taxcuts, because i don't care about taxes. You wanna tell me something about Romneys outsourcing of jobs to china, when no one has better connections to the Red Chinese than the Clintons. And ofcourse you would never critizes Romney for his Massachusetts health care reform, which was the template for Obamacare, but for his Taxcuts. Hey, did you ever get a Job from a poor Man?
  5. Again, the Republican Party isn't my point but you do this again. Thanks for the Media-Matters Talking points.
  6. People who don't know shtuff cheering criminals and traitors, thats the point.
  7. The Republican Party isn't my point. No wonder you like hes speeches how less you know. But Gore’s behavior is relatively tame compared to former President Bill Clinton. Juanita Broaddrick went public in 1998 to claim that Clinton raped her two decades earlier. Broaddrick alleged that Clinton forced her down on the bed in a hotel room, tore away her underwear and began aggressively raping her while biting her lips as she begged him to stop. Although Clinton denied the charges, he agreed to an $850,000 settlement to avoid the case going to court, “A lot of money from someone who claims he did nothing wrong,” as Larry Elder wrote.
  8. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/3013814-1346942567.jpg Anyone knows what outfit this is?
  9. Yeah, hes a professional liar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Fg3XNTMzNo How can anyone take this man serios? Mena Airport, Cocain Trade, i don't had sex with that woman, supplied the North Koreans with nuce plants equitment, helped the chinese to get gem weapons, rapist. This guy doesn't give a F about america. Clinton was bad, but obama another 4 years will be worse you can imagine. Its destroying america by design. Chinese pianist performs anti-American anthem at White House dinner in front of Obama Bye Bye America. Freedom was a nice try.
  10. I asked myself, "whats Long Island Medium" and then i asked google. And then i saw i wasted 1 1/2 Minutes of my life and 2 for writing this. Is this real.... come on what year is it? 3000 B.C ?
  11. Okay, i read it and it "debunks" a few strawman positions but not more. A few years ago, the FEMA Camps and the ICE Agency which controlled them at that time even had websites with footage. I also saw a footage of some local buerocrate henchman shuting down a community greenhouse. The people who build it up where basicly young democrate voters and greenies, these can be pushed around. By the way. Popular Mechanics was the magazine defending the pancake theory and that a steel concert building can collaps by a few fires. Popular Mechanics is yellow press.
  12. Guys, please settle down this Quote-Quote-Quote-Quote Stuff. It hurts the eye and no one reads it anyway.
  13. First off, there is no "historical fact" about things which were secret. Secound, Jefferson and Washington weren't Members of the Illuminati. Knigge was.
  14. A voters personal opinion doesn't matter either because they gave consent for a 3rd party to speak for them. Giving your voice away so some idiot can speak for you is the way of it though it seems. Couldn't you always annul your vote by just cross out the ballot ? So that it counts as annuled?
  15. No, Freiherr von Knigge wrote a book about them, it was a total rip-off. They were after upperclass peoples money and frauded most of their members. Also, the official statements of there goals are nearly identical with those from the communist manifesto. Typical "we promiss you a totaly paradise" sect jabbering. Every read a book about them?
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