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About rowynyew

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    Skyrim, State of Decay, Metro Last Light, Metro 2033

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  1. i figured it out only thing i had to end up just changing was the fShadowBiasScale my resolution and seconday and primary res were just fine they r set on 4096 and runs and looks good now but thanks yall for the help
  2. I have looked and looked for anything to fix my shadows in the game... it's mostly outdoor shadows they look blocky and they are striping and the shadows on my character looks blocky as well... I have done everything I can to fix this issue and I have installed mods that are suppose to fix it I have tweaked the skyrimprefs ini and still looks the same all blocky on the ground and on my person I have only 1 lighting mod climates of tamriel but I uninstalled it and still looks like crap... here is my system processer IntelĀ® Core(TM i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10ghz my Memory/Ram is 6.00GB Mmy System type is 64-bit Operating system and I have windows 7 and my graphics card is a GeForce GT 430 ... I posted this info incase sum1 would need it who can answer my question... and I didn't know what they'd need so I posted it all LoL I have downloaded & installed the shadows stripping fix and still not working and also googled it and found a lot on the subject but nothing they mentioned to do help the issue at all. Also this is whats in my SkyrimPREFS- this is what ppl mostly say I need to change iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=4096iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=4096 iShadowMapResolution=4096 fShadowBiasScale=0.1500
  3. i was riding dragons while standing up on it instead of sitting down... and I went and deleted the mod (realistic ragdoll force) and it fixed it... if any of u have that mod disable it and try riding it then... it fixed my issue... hope it helps yall
  4. ive noticed some of my npcs have a darker face and lighter body... i have the cbbe 3 and inhabitants of skyrim npc overhaul... i dont have any face mods ive tried coverwoman and bella's to fix this but nothing so far ive even uninstalled the npc overhaul but it seems to be worse without it... any ideas?... i use boss everything is in order... its not all npcs just a ew here and there but it annoying when i see it.
  5. I have an annoying glitch at castle volkihar the vampires that are sitting at the table feeding off the thralls they r glitched... they r suppose to be feeding on the thralls but they keep trying to feed but don't... its hard to explain how they r doing... um... they r leaning down to bite the thrall but jerking back up really fast before doing so... and they are doing this over and over... then the ones that are drinking at the tables are lifting the cup mid way as well and jerking their arm down really fast before getting a drink... i have uninstalled all mods and it's still doing it... i have disabled and enabled the NPCs and still not working.... i have verified cache files and kill/resurrected them and nothing is fixing this... its just really annoying to watch LoL... any1 have an idea on how to fix it?... it didn't do this before... I have tried to explain this problem the best I can... and any help or advise would be appreciated.
  6. thanks... I'll try that one
  7. I'm looking for a really good ENB... if any1 can give me an opinion on one I'd appreciate it... right now I have the rezerect skyrim ENB... but I'm wanting somethen a little more realistic looking... and can you have more then 1 ENB installed into ur game???... I had the HOPE enb installed but it gave me the dark water glitch it was black under water so I had to uninstall it and I really liked that one.... Thanks - LiNdA
  8. found a fix for this kind of...as you find an npc that has a mismatched face do the following: press ~ to enter console click on npc type setnpcweight x and press enter (x is a number between 0-100 and you should play around with it to make sure you don't make a drastic change in their original size unless you don't care about that) voila, face matches! Edit: this only works until you exit the game, you have to do it all over again every time you play. So if anybody finds a fix, please post it!
  9. my orcs and redguards faces do not match they're bodies... their faces r lighter... almost a grey color and i have uninstalled all the mods that messed with faces and bodies etc... and still the same... anyone know what i can do to get their faces back normal again????.... i mean its a big difference u can tell big time that the faces do not match the rest of their bodies.... the mods that i have installed is (women- CBBE original file then the alternitive nude texture which u over write the original file with... then better females by bella) and for men i have better males and high res face maps by genonox) but like i said i uninstalled all of them and its there is still no change to my npcs faces at all
  10. Thank you for posting this. At least it's something, even if it is nothing. Hopefully they will get a patch out soon.
  11. what have you tried to do to fix your problem? I will look around and post again if I find something.
  12. still having the same problem...cannot land for melee mode and cannot use spells...has anyone found a fix yet? I've tried reinstalling, disabling mods, reenabling mods, using 360 controller, using keyboard, removing mesh files, nothing has worked so far!
  13. Thank you both fore and cloudyday. I used a combination of both of your posts and it worked perfectly.
  14. There is a mesh you can remove that usually fixes this problem. Here is how to find it: the file is mt_behavior.hkx and is located in data/meshes/actors/character/behaviors You can either just go in a delete that specific file or you can cut and paste it (recommended in case you need to put it back later) into a backup folder you create outside of the meshes folder. If you create the backup inside the meshes folder it will still read as if it is in the right place. Here is the link to the original content: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/747532-dawnguard-dlc-crossbow-questions/page__p__5981150__hl__crossbow+fix__fromsearch__1#entry5981150 The link has specific instructions if you have the FNIS mod installed...it was originally designed to fix the crossbow glitch that makes your character hold the weapon wrong and act as if you are unarmed. Let me know if this works for you.
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